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A member registered Apr 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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I have created two new projects with html5 games playing in the browser.
I have also uploaded a music file as a second file for people to download, but it is not showing up on project pages

Really enjoyed the game

Good game. I didnt realise I should escape until day 5 or 6. Escaped in 15 days though. 
Nice game and art!

I have a confession to make... I did  not play level 3 :-( 

Not sure if it changes the game completely if you have a timer for how long it takes a player to complete game and use that as a high score (or is it a lowscore if it is competing for fastest time?) for the leader board. 
Then the player is encouraged to optimize their play. Dying less times is a secondary parametre. 

I have not played this game genre before. I only know of Super meat boy and Will it snail. Is it all about timing? or are there things like upgrades too, and secret areas only unlocked by sacrificing yourself at the right time and place?

(3 edits)

I like the art and the super meat boy - game style.
One thing I think you should be aware of when designing levels is how long you need to wait for the moving walls to go to their end and come back again. 
The game encourage you to run run run, and also time it right. The first wall in the first level can give you a bit to long waiting periode where you start to get bored waiting for the wall to get back. -It is not game breaking at all but might be a good thing to think of.

It is a nice feature you made that you dont need to respawn at the start of the level when you have made good progress.

The death counter feels like a highscore-thing... I am split between should I finish the level or just get the death count as high as possible... Death in this game feels very rewarding, the animations and feel is good  :-) 

*Note: The information says you made it with PixiJS, but when the game loads Gdevelop logo appears

Initial idea was that you need to run further and further to restock apples but I dropped the idea as it took away focus on throwing apples at the doctors. But  if I should improve the game I might have a better house with a basement etc. perhaps something to do between waves like building palisades out of furniture

The characters are close to how I draw comics in real :-) 
The restocking was a huge challenge to balance. I tried that the player could restock when ever they wanted, as it would also give an element of strategy to it, but in the end I decided for this solution because I did not have time to get the balance to work

The restocking was a huge challenge to balance. I tried that the player could restock when ever they wanted, as it would also give an element of strategy to it, but in the end I decided for this solution because I did not have time to get the balance to work

Thanks for feedback. 
The trick to getting out of the house again is to hit their syringes with an apple that gets thrown out of the way and then hit the doctors in the tree after... overall it was difficult to ballance the difficulty

It was difficult to balance. My instict also want to run for more apples even though I have 2 apples left,.. So I ended up with the restriction that you have to use all apples. 
I also found it kind of fun that you needed to back and just toss the last couple of apples to get new

I had a hard time settling on how to refill the apples.  In the beginning you needed to run further and further into the house to get new apples, but it took focus away from throwing apples.
I also wanted to get a feeling you could get pushed further back in the house, but then you ended up with just standing on the respawn for unlimited time...  I decided to keep the place in the back of the house because you can still run out of apples there