1.215 (End-Tech)
- Flexlight Bow charge damage buffed (6-->9)
- Adjusted text colors for Quantum Augment effect to be better contrast with various possible backgrounds
- Added a safeguard that makes combat chatter display a default [unintelligible] if it fails to load a chatter entry
- Slightly optimized the way loot id is checked when picking up items
- Lowered count requirements for death/games played unlocks
- Space tether kinetic barrage wave count reduced (4-->3)
- Space tether rocket phase now starts with higher fire rate but slows down over time
- Space tether emp phasees: attack rate nerfed
- Space tether segments are now valid homing targets (but are still immune to missile redirects)
- Fixed situations in which opposing side space tether would not randomize it's attack phase correctly (?)
- Fixed stray pixels on a shore rock sprite
- Fixed a Mil-grade Cornucopia not unlocking correctly (?)
- Fixed Shield Overcharger requiring 10 times more max shield to unlock than advertised
- Fixed some item related unlocks requiring another item to be picked up in order to trigger
- Fixed uranium armor self damage resetting coolness
- Fixed missing description for Mirror Sphere active
- Fixed a missing entry on wave advance chatter
- Fixed boss rush not disabling endless mode correctly on specific run conditions
- Fixed some typos