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(1 edit) (+1)


Well I hate this 😂🤣

I'm really hoping that won't be the end, that's such a sad way to end it.

Maybe I'm a hopeless romantic, but I really want an ending where the characters have a happy ending together. We don't get enough LGBTQ+ relationships in media of any kind (let alone VNs) I want to see the relationship end well for the characters, not with one of them getting killed off :(

*Edit: Yes, I know that technically Asterion already died once... Semantics! 🙄

I don't want him to die again, or go back to being dead or whatever once the story is over.

(1 edit) (+1)

the thing is, i feel like dying again would be something Asterion himself would want. so it's not really a sad ending at this point of his existence.  imagine if this is the one chance he gets at redeath, or he will have to toil in the labyrinth forever more, long after the current master dies. this story is shaping up in a way that a happy ending wouldn't be what one would normally think to be.

well, we got gay relationships in Ac odyssey, but then ruined in the legacy of the first blade, where they forced us to be in a straight relationship


yeah, we can't trust mainstream media to do right by gays, they have to sell to lots of people, so controverses are a big no no. we have to look for more niche projects for proper representation, such as furry vns

The gay romance part is what helped sell this NV and why I decided to give it a try

(That and I'm furry trash, and owo minotaur)