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The scope is seriously impressive: classes, turn by turn combat system, etc... It's pretty crazy how much you managed to do in only a week. The game also looks good, which is even better!

My only little complaint is that the movement being tile-based feels a bit weird, but that's mostly a nitpick and it's probably just me.

Great submission!

Thanks so much! Yeah, I'm stunned that I managed to achieve what I did. Truthfully, the scope was a bit larger, but my game jam process is usually to make the scope bigger than it should be. I take the big picture, divide all the ideas/mechanics into three categories: "Must Haves", "Should haves", and "Would like to haves." As I work on core mechanics and "must haves", I track how much time it took compared to my estimates. By the end of a session I take a look at that, and cut from the "would like to haves". I repeat this process each day until I've cut all the "would like to haves" and some of the "should haves."

It may not be the best approach, but it practically guarantees that scope creep doesn't become an issue because I'm working on trimming scope as I move along.

The tile-based movement feels weird for a couple reasons. The issue is that I'm tweening between the tiles, but I'm using a single frame sprite. I tested it with my crappy art, and with a two frame cycle it looks and feel much better. So yeah, I agree with your point on the movement feeling off.

That's a really interesting way to make a game. I usually do the opposite (starting small and adding more stuff), but it feels like your idea is better when it comes to having a solid idea of what the game should be by the end.

My game for instance had a completely different concept than what it ended up being, mostly because I made a lot of changes to make it more fun during the development. Honestly I think both ways are good, but your way of making games is definitely more unique, and really interesting.

Man, I just played your game and was blown away. Your process definitely worked out for you! Definitely makes my list of favorite game jam games I've played so far.

I'm not an artist, but I think my process is somewhat analogous to sculpting something out of a block of marble. You have an idea of what you want it to look like and begin chiseling away. As the marble begins to take shape, you refine it more until you've made your sculpture. I'm sure there's more to it than that, but it seems close enough haha.

Thank you so much, just made my day!

I'm not an artist either, but from what I know it is pretty similar to sculpting yeah, in the way that you mix your original ideas with a "going with the flow" mentality. Might even give this technique a try in a future game jam.

No problem! Thanks for the follow as well! Part of my goal with game jams is connecting with other devs. I think it would be cool to get a close group of devs that just bounce ideas off each other, share things they've learned, etc. I think you get better and quicker this way.

Gotta agree with that, connecting with other game devs is one of the coolest things about game jams.