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(4 edits)

Save #3 - before meeting Eliza outside

Save #4 - Rally

Save #5 - Decission time

While i said to Faustina that the cook was ok, i found the old maid again and when talking with Drake Eliza is considered gone. 

Save #6

SAve # 7 When chatting with the girls (darke option)

And Save # 8 is where the game loop over itself.

The previous saves are there in case you want to check progress or something similar.

Hi, don't forget to tell me the reason why you are going to send me the save files, i.e. could you describe in a few words what is the bug in each save slot?

As for Eliza, theoretically the bug that happens to some users whereby Eliza was fired, yes or yes, has been fixed in the last update I posted; have you updated the game to this version? :

I will now check the bug in the image you sent me.