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A member registered Oct 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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Interesting story and visualy good, the only ''problem'' i saw where some small typo. Awaiting the next part with anticipation. 

Nice intro, remind of old psx games. I'm looking foward to your next project or a fuller version of this game.

(1 edit)

The error in #1 was fixed in last update as did #2, #3 is basicaly a typo. When saked if she as an interest in drake the first choice istart with a, Si

so appart from the he/she game should be good, i need to finish the other endings just cause :)

(1 edit)

When felicating Eliza

in the secret menu

(3 edits)

Just letting you know, The same ''error'' that pop up while loading a save for the first time in a new game instance as appeared in the scene where you leave Eliza room.

I saw some of the corrections this make the game cleaner :D

Small sugestion: if you could make a post concerning the few know issues of the engine (the strange loading bug and the repeat of a phrase at random) it could help solve some people questions from the get go.

oo 10 so i'm at 3/10 :)

Question: since it run on that engine, did you disable the hide texbox shortcut?

When you get a choice in the kitchen with Clare, one of the lock (the first one) stay for all the scene (it was locked this time due to my choices)

(5 edits)

Some more, i might go for 3 endings the way i see it (how many are there anyway ?, just the numbers)

almost right after - cceur, coeur

One can corrupt a save so that upon loading the screen stay black and no possibilities arrise except to restart the game (this might be a really rare occurence but it can happen in that engine) .. great just great, total corruption :( 

Well i'll restart next build.

Last thing, if you'd like to correct most of the he/she issues the best way would be to let someone check the script to fix them.

(16 edits)

Bug confirmation: this apparition of her ladyship happen if you select, the looking tired option (the one that can be locked)

The game (in english) could be improved with some He/She/It/I corrections, those are due to the language difference but could one day be fixed.

Even if i change the choices in Eliza dialogue i still get the old maid appearing :( 

After the ''fun'' in the room

When facing Clara about visitors

I know (as i ran the same dialogue 3 time) that the 3rd frame should be aviable. But it is not locked and it cannot be selected.

Ok if i go Full on Faustina road when i reach the women club part that loop, it still does... Will try to get a drake route to see if there is a way to pass it.

Small typo

On faustina path, after meeting the mom and getting back home when the door open:

In the following argument:

In the next option, faustina coming of age, sould be Cressida

Another loop: At the end of the discution, choosing the first option create it

Spanglish, when the new lady arrive

Line repeat when talking about the publishing article in the magazine

Fun Fact, while the dialogue about missing eliza and the old maid still happen, Eliza is present latter on, might just be left overs. (i seem to have miss a part with Eliza, maybe it's me tought)

When you go F*ck Y faustina, Drake arrive in spanish

The next choice (with locks) as the first 2 normal and the 3rd one show no text :/

Sometime the text speed up with no apparent reason, is it because i used the ctrl earlier in game?

When they leave, If you choose to follow Drake as you leave

(no eve version of Cressidia ?)

sry i meant i went and try to act partialy nicely with Drake and the loop at the event still happened.

(3 edits)

Trying another path the option in the dialogue next to save #6 still bug, this time it is the 4th frame. While the lock show open it is unselectable.

Tried the new path the loop still engage.. is it because Althea act coldy toward possible love interests? (how many are there ?) Just Tried again this time being nice and cozy toward Drake.. still loop :(

nope, i'm on a diferent pc. Ho well maybe it's my normal luck with softwares

(1 edit)!ArzAiyYSqqWsqk-3Ib4EnlnxtF9D?e=GNyJT0 - saves, in ziped file (7zip format).

I'm using the latest one, just downloaded it from Itch...

(4 edits)

Save #3 - before meeting Eliza outside

Save #4 - Rally

Save #5 - Decission time

While i said to Faustina that the cook was ok, i found the old maid again and when talking with Drake Eliza is considered gone. 

Save #6

SAve # 7 When chatting with the girls (darke option)

And Save # 8 is where the game loop over itself.

The previous saves are there in case you want to check progress or something similar.

(2 edits)

i have yet to unlock the fist lock option , might be just me not choosing right.

Saves locations: 

# 1 - Before the discution in your room with Clara

# 2 - Choosing destination to live

When Drake come, the dialogue make it look like She tell him that he is drunk

When cooking

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Sry my bad, i earsed them.

But bug - Faustina still appear inside the study even if you tell her to stay out.

You mean on a secondary drive it should be around, let see, Using it on a secondary drive dosent change it's save location. But since your using the Itch launcher ... It is here. Instead of locale it is under Roaming Itch Apps

(3 edits)


The term legacy is sometime used to refer to bugs that are part of the engine and as such will always occur within a specific set of circumstances.

For the save, 

Go to your C;/ drive (or whatever you named it)

Select the USER folder

Select YOU (the name you gave yourself)

In the folder options (if on win 10) in the top bar, open the view options and select the, Show masked / Hidden folder (important step)

AppData folder is now visible (this little folder is really usefull)

Inside there are 3 folder; Local, Local Low and Roaming

Open Local and inside of it you will find a folder named: Dear Althea Final

Select user data, then Default

In this one look for the file type - VNDATA

One is the save the other is the save header (i only send you the save if you also need the header let me know)

It is also how one can delete the saves he curently as.

That's where their hidding ;)

(3 edits)

o a legacy bug, it happen.

Typo - after the dialogue with the lady - (nothing major)

And the game still loop at the party (same as last build save file)!ArzAiyYSqqWsqk4_CmQ_kRRpnrGD?e=XFBeyu hope it help figuring out what is happening. 

(2 edits)

Work better. 

The cressida bug is still present (want my save file?) She apeared when Drake drop the maid on the bed.

Allow it to grow is repeated -

is it just me, when you explain about Elize case, she still get dismissed.

(3 edits)

The word ejaculation mean cumming, as in sex. Maybe it's just me but could another word be used ? i would have to look at the spanish version before suggesting a change for the word as context is important.

Thanks :D will go rabid on the paths to the carrots ;)

Yes window 10, laptop.

Have a good day.

On latest build, i went an open the log.. some of the text said is missing and it always start at the begining of the game (not really a bug) but once closed it did this - until the story reached a choice, then it disapeared.

(6 edits)


Well the ejaculate appear at 2 places, One is -

The oven manual as text that repeat itself in the same phrase. Like this exemple this exemple.

Thanks for the offer but i got a lot of saves (filled more then half the slots alredy, lol), but curiosity, how many chapter are there / who can we date ? (if not a spoiler)

not in the new build but: if it can help i was trying to open the setting from the gear (top right) menu.

Have a good day/night.


From my current reading there is quite a lot of word that suffered from the - treatement,Like so; disa-pointed Showm-anship

Also a good read of the text in english could fix all the He / She typos.

I'll wait for a fix to continue the game :)

Lady cass chapter, the encounter with clara, no dialogue box background. (seem like the others times, some kind of software related issue)

When chatting with the fives the time you reach night. There is someone to draw picture when there is no illustration

BUG - once this line is done the game loop back to when you enter the room and the 5 are cleaning the table, using different in between lead to the same result :(

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The use of the world ejaculate seem to be off context, it might be a rough translation from spanish 

First time this bug appear, loaded a game and the text of the options is gone, try to see if it happened with others as it might just be current game

O cristina portrait is taken instead of drake (i wonder if the appearing side tab showing affection and such also suffer from this)

after accepting to go to the aunty show -

frame in spanish -

missing dialogue in this choice (right after go back to sleep) - , then chosed right and the text was invisible until do you know what mr drake

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Playing the new build (going with the sister) 

Superficial (One P to superficial) mode

There seem to be a reocurring issue with the text box, don't know why tought. 

Everytime you use Load (after starting the game anew and only on the first use) this show up.

A lo-t of wor-ds got tho-se union traits in the dialogues from the train platform to the house.

When the dialogue goes to Althea pack her case, it appear twice (before Carla come back)

Butler welcome the house Fa_ade (missing the C)

Dialogue in the journal argument, Horn warning of fanny arrival apear twice

(this is just me, but the little lock could affect some players choices)

In will office, antique oil lamp, then under it oil lamp... redundancy

When talking to Eliza and asking about the writting, her stat indicate, Confianza (in the english version)

Once taken from the typer, the line for the piece of paper apear twice

typo when asked by drake outside of the room after saying you could take care of the drunk alone, Tete a Tete, and not T Te- -T  Te (same typo appear latter when your in the luncheon)

Redundancy in the stove manual

during cooking, Last sentence before Drake leave apear twice

When interacting with Drake Miss delafield apear saying thank you - it seem to appear if you do certain actions... same with fanny is it normal?

The game seem to reload a dialogue from time to time, seemingly when the set (the whole room and characters) change. Maybe it's just and engine fault, it dosent affect the gameplay otherwise.

Ok this one is a bug; went to talk to eliza, said was sorry and ok with the apology then said there are many other publisher then, surprise, Spanish text

Dear Althea community · Created a new topic Bug


I found some typo ( 1 currently)

Near the start when your sister come in, It create some kind of loop a bit latter on, if you choose should i have to fly with her it bring you back to the good morning. But choosing the right option make the game select the left one.

The flowery frame around the portraits is missing in the dialogue in front of the library door.

Baxter bag description as typos.

Baxter dialogue is missing it's window, reappear after looking up at older sister.

Also when loading the next part the screen turn partialy black with strange geometric motive in the upper left part.

There are some He / She missused.

The game is enjoyable, i will post more discoveries as i play trought it.