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The visual effects were really nice! The use of dithering as lighting can be an effect of its own and works very well here. The music was also chilling and well composed. I personally found the game very challenging, maybe the character should be given a higher speed or more dashes? I also didn't think the torches really did anything. You could always see yourself and the skeletons, so I felt that the lighting/fov aspect of rougelikes/rougelites was a bit lacking.

Of course this being a game jam there was a bit constraint, but if you expanded this with more/better mechanics it would become classic.

Thank you!

Yeah, the torches and dashing were very late additions so I didn't have much time to balance them properly.

The point of the torches was to serve as a disposable item that you could drop anywhere and use to mark your way back if you wanted to, and as a melee weapon that's stronger than the wand but leaves you more vulnerable.