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Unfortunately we were unable to hit any of the monsters off the entry level rooms and died every time. The reaction time thing was a great idea but the success window at the start was far too small to make it playable for us. We couldn't get anywhere so we couldn't really judge on completeness. The low poly style was nice and worked well. The instant and repetitive failures on our part meant it wasn't much fun for us. Sorry to say all this. We can see you put a lot of effort in. Maybe a difficulty level at the start would help and we'd like the Grandma setting please! Well done for submitting your game.


Thanks for reply. I'll add difficulty level setting latter or in my next game.

Hey TickTock. On reflection we were a bit harsh with our comments yesterday. Please don't let this put you off. You have made a great looking game and we would love to solve the puzzles in there. We see your girlfriend did the art assets in AssetForge, one of our favourite tools. Tell her she did a great job and to keep going with making game art. She's got the knack! Anyway best of luck and well done for getting your game submitted. We know how hard it is to execute on these things, especially given the short timescales. Well done, Rebello (Adam&Dan)


Thanks for saying that. You are very kind. I also acknowledge that the difficulty has some problems. It's a good thing to have the turly feedback of our game. BTW I think you create a great game. I love it very much.