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(6 edits) (+1)

This comment is preeeeetty long comment so ıf you hate reading long commends ..Im sorry ı also didnt think that ı would write such an HUGE  comment but since ı loved game ı wanted tos hare my every single thoughts… ;w; well ı thought that ıf ı should keep this comment to myfels but ..ı still wanted to post it so here we go:



Hellooo actually this is my first rewiev themed commend sooo ım kinda nervous..hehe 

Firstly ı actually managed to get the game thanks to the discount but ı didnt want to write a comment immediately because ı wanted to play the game first then write my thoughts in it.. so Happy past birthday and happy past anniversary!! 


soo before talking about the game ı wanna also write few things about your games so here we go:  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first game ı played was of course Magical Otoge Ciel  and well firstly ı thought ıt was very much normal otome game which ıt wasn't.

normally when ı play otome games ı usually like one or two character, play their routes , then stop playing because well... to me some characters can be just too annoying to deal with. So ı was actually searching for a some otome/romantic visual novel with good story.or at least good story flow without game trying to create some ''romance between the characters'' unnecessarily every moment and the moment ı found Magical Otoge Ciel and starte to play it out of cruosity. when characters named Florien and Yvin (ı chose florien’s route first ^^;)  said '' indecent'' ı truly got a huge smile on my face ..ı mean this ı would never think about about seeing this Word in a otome game… ıt felt like ı really found good game this time and ı was really happy. After finishing the game in 2-3 days ı started to follow you to see ıf you ever create another games and well ı didnt know that these game was actually kinda start and well ım so happy about it either.. for now ıt seems like ı finished all of your games and well ım really greatful that ı managed to see your games and play them .. they were all so great and ı hope ı will play more of your games in the future (ı hope ı can buy them either haha ;w;) I really hope that you will create more amazing games and get famous! well to me your games and the stroies have soo many potential instead of some other. Hope everything will go fine !


and before ending this part of comment thank you for your great game ı was actually losing my hope about it and thought that ı would never find a game story like ı hope but you clearly proved me that ım wrong. Your game was a perfect experience for me and ım sure that ı will even remember it over years..because ıt deserves to be loved and remembered.



so about the game ıf there is someone who wanna buy it but unsure about the stroy and the characters let me explain it a little ı will put a spoiler alert ıf ı go deeper ofc

so ıf you wanna play Magical otoge Irıs and havent played Magical otoge Ciel or Magical Otoge Anholly you should firstly play Otoge Ciel and Magical Otoge Anholly before Otoge iris.. because even though they seem not they are kinda related well ıts actually obvious because of their names but yeah :D 

so many save files ..ıdk ıf you see it as plus fact but ı do (ı was at 80th page last time ı checked)

Magical otoge Iris's world is completely like a fantasy novel 

in this novel people can born with magical powers or recieve magical powers ...sometimes

there is also magicians live in these world in order to protect humanity and creating to peace and balance depend on the rules

If you are looking for spicy or hot type of otome game…or are you looking for romance stuff instead of a good story this game may not be good match for you(ı mean ıts romantic but the way you want it probably but still ıf you want my advice play it)

Story is pretty creative and also funny! Its rare to see such an combo in otome games

If you like anime style or pastel colours then you will agree with me that this games GG’s are amazing

Musics are sooo goooooodd !!!

Unlike cheap story characters these characters has actually pretty deep personalities ıf you look at them closer.. which means they are all worth for your attention

Even ıt doesnt effect the gamet here is actually choices for you to select for main characters acts and this is pretty cool actually!! Game warns you when choice is importat for the game so you can make your own choice combos in the game without worrying except the important ones (welp ıts not like you cant return so feel free!)

If you like strong female leads then ım sure you will love this game’s main character Iris!

THERE İS NOT ONLY ROMANCE ROUTE BUT BEST FRİENDS ROUTE THAT YOU CAN SELECT YOUR BEST FRİEEEND! (this is something ı actually really wanted to be happen and ım so happy that my dream came true)



Main character Iris : Iris is kind of a girl who is kind and cheerfull to everyone but she has also her own special character which makes her different from usual otome main characters (ım talking about the ones that too naive) oh and ı should mention that she is pretty strong and brave one.Though she always smiles sometimes ı feel like she was actually hiding her actual feelings behing it. To be honest even she looks and act like naive girl sometimes ı feel like she has alot more  depth  than ı usually saw in otome games and maybe also darker character(ım not sure about it but ı feel like ıts true either).


as for the other characters:


                                                     HUGEEEE SPOİLER ALEEERRRTTT!!

(ı did this part because ım actually kind of person who doesnt mind to getting spoilers (big or small) about the game and ı actually even search for it so ıf there is anyone like me then you can read here..though there is some huge spoilers in it.. sorry ı did my best )


Small note: ı usually talked about the characters depends on the happy endings and true ending because well…. I havent finished the bad endings yet haha ;w; ım not mentally ready for it..yet but ı promise ı will!!

Small note 2: I talked about the characters…uhh in the way what ı think fort the stuff under this note has alot personal thoughts..ıf you are not thinking the same. Please share your thoughts with me ım willing to listen!


Rieffe (romance route): a kind and good childhood friend who is actually keeping some secret from main character which is quiet dangerous one actually .he does his best to keep his distance from Iris for to not hurt her because of the secret he hides. I really like how calm and gentle he is besides I also really felt sad for him in toher routes because how much he cares for main character. I wish ı could have some chilhood friend like him either haha but ım not like Iris either ;w;

Lanneis (Romance route): a perfect lance boy who is willing to slam dunk the garbages for you. His route was actually pretty enjoyable for me. I really liked how caring character he is and all he wants is Iris’s happiness also he is just a perfect housekeeper !! he just does anythinngg cooking, dishes, well cleaning (oof ı was sorry for him about it for that event though) and he can be a perfect asisstant either. Absolutely best  lance you could ever have :D even though he looks strict and cold he is pretty sensitive actually.(at least ıt felt like it to me)

Reqieu (Romance route): The way his route’s story flow was most unpredictable to me and welp ıt was also  interesting. His ending was a bittersweet though but ı still liked it afterall not all happy endings are good for everyone .. still ıt quiet saddened me either :’). Also ıt would be unfair without thanking to Morgen here. She truly the savivor of the route. Sometimes he really gives me a dad vibes though ( NOT THE BAD ONE!!)

Septem (Romance Route): Polite flower boi. One of the young magicians. If ı have to be honest he was my favorite character from the start. If you ask what now? Well ı still love him alot but oh boi ı never excepted some parts about him which suprised me alot but ıt isnt like ı didnt like it either. The moment ı realized he is pretty interesting character actually ı trully loved the route. though ım bit sad about true ending ;w; ı kinda expected it but…eh .I also like how Sepia and Septem looks like siblings instead of teacher and the student :D ıts just so cute .

wynrou(magician) : when ı first saw him ı thought he was woman :D so when ı learned he was a man ..ı was kinda suprised but welp ıt didnt matter so much to me because ı would still like him no matter which gender he is. he is one of my favorite characters (ı actually have so many favorite characters in this game lol) ı really like how sweet character he is.. even though he was usually a jerk in his past..ı still like him though he is just so kind the main character and trying to protect her no matter what unfortunalety..he doesnt have any route. Also can someone send him to therapist? I think he really needs it

Vendetta(magician): kind but weird guy.Needs therapist 2. welp ı actually like him alot either but his acts can be ehh weird ? though sometimes his comments for the situations in game was hilarious. I pretty much like him though that ı sad about how his apperiance time is not so long (ı mean to me)

Sepia (magician): she is kind and hardworking magician…or should say she was ? still ıts sos ad that how she slowly fell into despair because of her unending work and pain.

Jupiter(Magician): Cold looking magician who is having hard time to communicate. Though he can look scary he pretty soft one. I also loved how sincere he is and how he doesnt be pushy.

Juniper (Magician): one of the young magicians. He is one of the most unique character is my eyes.. well probably because of he is the only one who acts pretty childish but also wary of his surroundings. Has a strong sense of justice..and well he is not very ok with humans

Augustia (Magician): Kind, strong, mostly calm, always reliable for her allies. Though you should be careful to not make her your enemy(well since the main character is Iris you dont have to worry about it ) She really gives me dependable big sis vibes.

Februum(Magician?): Sir please calm down  Im sorry for what is happening to environment either. In past he tried to get along with humans but the way he chose to get closer to them was…very wrong. Now everything alot different. I mean probably ı dont have any right say it but can anyone make him see some Psychologist?

Val (Familiar of magician): He was taking care of Iris since her childhood and wynrou’s familiar. Pretty sensitive and sweet one. He takes care of many work in the town so he mostly busy ( unfortunalety) . as ı said in the wynrou ı wish val could have a friendship route because ıt feels sad that we dont see him much except in the main story.

Auggie (Familiar of magician): Augustia’s familiar. Unlike her he is alot more aggresive type and well he is also pretty determined one when ıt comes to sake of Augustia or something she wants him to do. Tsundere 2 ı suppose. I really like him either.

Henri (friendship route): kind, strong but %100 tsundere boy. welp ı really liked him either.. to be honest ı was suprised that when ı saw he didnt get any romance route because his love and struggles for Iris was the way too obvious that ı kinda felt bad for him. he may be my favorite tsundere so far in otomes :3. also ı hope you can do it ''Henry''

Mikhail(friendship route): when ı first saw him ı thought he is pretty hardworking and kind man.. ı mean ı was half true..but despite that ı liked him pretty much either he was clearly a unique character to me and ı really liked him either. ı hope other players think same as ı do :D.

 Kann (friendship route): SHE İS SO PRETTTYYY in many ways ! she is beatiful , kind,  strong, cheerfull, creavite and well ok ı got carried on but really ı truly loved her and ı was so happy that she was main characters friend ! 

Morgen: Morgen is best! to be honest ıf she wasnt there for helping Reqieu ı feel like he would mess up alot also her will power is like ..woow she truly ona  different level. She is best prince ever.

Faust: a prisoner. Even moment ı met him he seemed pretty creepy to me.

Lobelia: kind and strong girl. Even though her past life was terrible ım happy that she got a happy ending.

Fiuheim: a shadow boy. He is wishing a happy life for Iris and tries his every best either even that means he will get hurt in the end. He is one of my favorite characters too! I wish we could be able to see him even more but unfortunalety we cant ;w;

Viimetra: A modern life pinocchio ..but this story is actually alot different. edgy android boi who lives in Septem’s World as gate guardian. Well even though he is sarcastic type. He can be also pretty kind. If there is something right to do he would even put his own life for it.



So this is about it ıf you were patient enough to come down here well THANK YOU SO MUUCH! I hope that my comment was useful for you

Since that ı finished to write this comment..

Now ım going to daydream about this game for at least months create fanfiction stories about every character in my head and keep repeating the routes to remember scenes :3 hehe


 again thanks for reading . Have great day ! 


!! I think this is the longest comment I've received so far LOL

Thank you so much, I'm glad you gave the game a chance!! I'm also very picky with VNs, and it's hard for me to find one that I like... That's a reason why I'm making MO now LOL

I'm working on Auggie's route (as the bonus goal) right now, so I hope you check that and future games out!! :D


Ah ım really happy for this news !! I will play it immediately when ıt comes Thank you so much ! I hope I will have a chance of playing more of your games in future ! :)