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Really cool concept! I like that you were able to implement a story into it and it left you on a bit of a cliffhanger. A couple things, though. First, I had to download a separate program to extract the .rar file. It would have been easier if it was a zip file. second, movement is really slow. It would be nice if you either made the player faster or made running a toggle. The way that the input system in Unity works, you can use either the arrow keys or WASD. The problem was if you used the arrow keys, the player wouldn't turn. The pacing was pretty good, though, and I liked the animation and how you swapped out the text every loop. I hope you continue working on this after the jam.

Thanks a lot for playing and reviewing my game. I forgot to add that arrow movement thing. I am learning side by side so didnt have time to playtest.  Will keep these things in mind. Thanks. I will surely continue working on this