I've posted a review of the game over on Steam which you can see HERE
I will be updating it at some point in the not too distant future once I've got several hours of game play under my belt as the review needs tidying up and adding some additional information.
I'm impressed by the fact you've obviously spent a lot of time on this labour of love and to be honest and also very surprised that it doesn't have more reviews; apart from mine, I only counted three others (all of which were short but positive). For a breakout with so many original features it deserves a much wider audience, especially as its dirt cheap as well. Apart from games on sale, it's among the cheapest games on Steam.
I'd love to see a re-release of this game but with much better graphics. If that was possible, I reckon this game would be worth a lot more money and would also be very popular; especially among those who, like me, love breakout/arkanoids. There has been a drought on breakouts for the past decade, with only rare releases every so often.
As I mention in my Steam review; apart from one game called Breakquest, which has beautiful graphics and 100 original looking levels (each level looks totally different from the previous one with respect to brick types) I've never come across any other game that has so many original features and such a large number of power-up's. I'm very very very impressed.
Please do consider the above idea. Giving the bricks a fresh and more modern look (including the power-ups etc) would be amazing.
Thank you for releasing this excellent game. :)
Good luck with any future game project you may be involved in.