GUYS!!! GUYS!!! GUYS!!! I FINALLY BEAT THE LANGUAGE LEVEL DURING THE EVENING WITHOUT GLITCHES OR VIKTOR'S HELP!!! MY HEART FEELS LIKE IT'S GOING TO EXPLODE!!! I'M NOW THE 6TH PERSON TO HAVE BEATEN LANGUAGE: MIX_UP_GAMERS, DEVON9141, VIVANATOR, HISSPOSTIE (I hope I spelled that right), ZOMBIESKULL13, AND NOW ME!!! NO MR. CLEANY APPEARED DURING THE ELEVATOR RACE THIS TIME TO SABOTAGE MY RACE!!! I'M FINALLY GOING TO MEET MS. FREUDENMACHER, AND I DIDN'T EVEN NEED MIX_UP_GAMERS'S GLITCH TO DO IT!!! MRDRNOSE, I'M READY TO HEAD FOR THE LEADERBOARD, 10-23-18!!! Funny thing, the achievement that I got says, "finished language with math," even though I collected zero math notebooks along the way. It also seems that the achievement with the 2 purple happy talk bubbles has yet to be discovered by anyone yet.