Really nice style of Artwork for this, and I enjoyed how you tied it all together well.
Would have preferred a separate mouse aim, to shooting in the direction I faced, to make it a bit easier on that front. Added difficulty in having to ensure i'm facing the enemy (or in front of their move).
The fire rate element was good though, as when I could line up a good spamming session, I could make the most of it, so that was a nice balance feature. Some other games with regular paced auto fire rate, I've found a little tedious on that front, so very nice to have this difference.
Great set up for a Jam game, one never ending scene, and a boss that makes it progressively difficult based on score. perfect.
Obviously though if you do move this game forward (and I hope you do), adding in story, more settings, etc etc would be needed.
Great job, well done on this, one of my favs for look and style.