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Absolutely love the effect of the sonar lighting up the walls. It looks great and it's a super cool take on the theme. I would've loved to have done something like this myself, but I couldn't think of a good way of getting that effect. Mind if I ask how you went about it?

Everytime the player pings, it traces some rays to get the distance to all of the different colliders around. It uses this to build a mesh like this , with collisions coloured white the closer to the surface, and grey if there was no surface in range. Then it's just a shader which only colours in pixels if they are either in a expanding ring from the center, or if the ring has passed them and the pixel was white.

The better way of doing this would just be to use a particle system that has no gravity, is emitted all at once, and collides with the terrian, but Godot doesnt have particle collisions yet, and i couldnt be bothered learning a new engine