Really nice game, even for such a short one. It was enjoyable to play and different than the other games in the jam that I have tried.
- The game concept was fun. It was surprisingly difficult but did not feel impossible or too much out of my control.
- Good scoping! Just one level can be enough if it's well designed and the gameplay works. Building new levels later is now probably really easy when you have programmed all the interactions already.
- Writing my name to the leaderboard was awkward. Even though the screen looked visually nice I would have preferred to write my name with keyboard for better usability. Although, if this game is intended for mobile, I can understand why it is implemented like that.
- I would really like the game to have reset button. It's really annoying that I have to play the whole level or use all the power if I want to restart. Especially in a speedrunning game players will want to restart when an attempt is clearly not going well.
- The icon for Start the game was confusing. I think that icon is usually used for something like "Share in social media". I tried all of the other buttons before I managed to find how to start the game.
Good job! Very nice game.
I already got feedback for my game from one you but if anyone else in the team have time to test my game, I appreciate any comments (positive or constructive) from you too!