Thank you for playing and nice that you liked it.
We'll be adding more levels and variety at some point for sure.
Tulenväki Productions
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The switches and components are under a menu for futureproofing for free building mode later one when I get that finished.
The components sticking to each other when dragging them close to each other is a problem I need to address at some point.
Thanks for the feedback it's always nice to hear different points of view and suggestions.
Slow paced and seems to be not ending.
Taking green ball doubles car size and warps me forward but the road ends.
Clicking yellow ball makes me run away from skeletons and shooting with RMB does nothing to them but enables to exit back to driving...
No idea how that is continuing from that..
Anyways, keep at it, I like that you made the constraints to the road so you can't drive into the trees ;)
Really nice and simple gamplaym though a bit too easy as the enemies took only one hit and were spawning so far apart.
The information text was a REAL pain in the butt to try to decipher.
Different font and color selection as well as removal or changing the background so that it won't mix the text so much.
But anyways, well done <3