Thank you for your thorough feedback, we REALLY appreciate it <3
- The difficulty was a challenging one especially at start of development to hone, I didn't want it to be too easy, but definitely didn't want it too hard. I'm quite happy my self for the difficulty level as well and sometimes it's really fun to have a little mistake cascade to a total pinball chaos resulting you being at the start .
- New levels and longer levels are in the works already, this one level was enough I think for the Game Jam as I couldn't focus on it full time due to IRL oblications.
- The name writing was done in that manner for 2 reasons. First of it being mobile friendly the second is for it to be simple mouse only interface.
- The reset button is an EXCELLENT idea, haven't thought about it and your idea is true, it will be added asap after the jam.
We're really happy you liked our game <3
Yours was also one of my favourites thus far that I've tried, simple yet addictive and very well executed.