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Thanks. I appreciate all the feedback. I acknowledge that my camera wasn't very well implemented. It was actually a workaround because I couldn't get it to work as I wanted. I also noticed that, in your stream, you were trying to find the name of the soundtrack I used as my 'level music'.  It's called 'Markalo goes to the disco'. You can find it under here.

Oh wow. Looking more closely at that person's website, they seem to be confused about a few things. They don't mention *which* Creative Commons licence they're making stuff available under (I assume they intend for CC BY, but each licence's terms are different, and there isn't one that really matches their stated requirements). They also say that their works are copyright-free (all Creative Commons licences except for CC0 - which doesn't require attribution - sort of rely on the notion of copyright for the licence to function and require a copyright notice to be present).

There's no need to feel bad about workarounds - IMO, jams are best treated as an opportunity to learn and practice project management in order to create something within a limited timeframe, and knowing when to let go of things that aren't quite working is a part of doing that effectively!