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Looking cool.

- I feel like the biggest issue is the UI being all over the place. I have to look at the center field to watch enemy movement and shots. At the bottom I find my cards. At the top I have the bar that tells me to press space for new cards. At the top-left side I see the HP. And especially my current MP but again the MP costs are down in the bottom on the cards. This could work in a turn-based setting but in this hectic real-time game I feel like the biggest enemy is watching the different UI components.

- Pls add rebinding keys. Y and Z are switched on QWERTZ keyboards. 

- Shooting regularly seems to deal insignificant damage to the point where I just started ignoring it altogether.

- I didn't understand what the number on the book on the bottom left, the small bar on the top left and the number on the bottom right mean. Also what the gears do.

- I didn't see any options for healing. This makes clutching a tough fight with little HP feel really bad cause.

- I didn't get any daemons in the first 15min or so of playing but now I'm getting them apparantly in every fight.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing the game!
1.  Yeah I have to agree, I've reworked the UI a bunch of times, and while I personally have no trouble following along, I can understand it being really hectic. There's a reason why I asked if I could borrow whoever made your UI once they're available. For the record you can hold 'C' to slow down time and see your cards completely.
2. There is rebinding, it's in the options menu. It's a bit wonky but it should work.
3. The scrap gun ('X' key) damage is tied to the scrap amount, i.e. the amount of gears. You get gears by dealing damage and certain cards give them, like the basic Cannon spells for example. This should've been explained in the tutorial, but if this isn't the first time you've played the game it might've not proposed the tutorial for you. I think for future DD I'll just reset player's local preferences so it shows the tutorial regardless.
4. Bottom left is cards in deck, bottom right is cards in graveyard, small bar is just the progress until you get another gear.
5. There are a couple of cards that you can use once to heal, but maybe I could make them appear more often, or have a rest site like Slay the Spire or what not. There are also daemons that give some, but not many.

6. For DD I hard coded it to 1/3 change per battle, precisely so that players can play around with them, but seems like you got unlucky. Regardless 7th (or 9th I forget) room is always a room that gives a daemon at the very least.

One again thanks for playing, looking forward to playing your game soon enough.