Devving on your honeymoon is massive gmi energy.
Combat was a lot of fun and very intuitive (I played on a controller). Enemy weapon variety was nice, though I didn't see any weapons for me besides the sword. Maybe I needed to explore more. Looking forward to trying the ball and chain.
I wasn't able to get the "dodge while running" thing to work, since sprint seems to be bound to holding down the dodge key by default. It also wasn't clear whether I could interrupt enemy attacks. I was able to shoot one of the claw guys mid-charge to interrupt him, but the axe-spinning guy was unstunnable.
I realized pretty quick I could guard break shields on the first non-tutorial shield guy, but it might be something worth including in future tutorials.
Graphics and animations are good, worth exploring just to see the island environments. One visual change I might make is to distinguish player damage numbers from enemy numbers. When I was in close quarters it wasn't clear which numbers were damage I was taking.
Overall, a lot of fun for an early demo and I'll definitely pick it up again.