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Thanks for playing! This is all very useful feedback.
The first image might not seem like it but it all worked "correctly", the guy walked on the invisible gap bridge covered by the geometry, but it's true that it looks odd, might have to override the link with the shorter one.

The point about rotation is totally true, the camera has been this way from the beginning when you could only link things on the "up" faces, didn't even think that I could have "full orbital" rotation now.

I must say these levels are kinda thrown together for demoday, but even then they ramp up in difficulty way too fast. I'm working on a way to solve things like the last issue, links should be much smoother soon.

The rest are things that I'll fix over time.

The only thing I don't get is not allowing color crossover, do you mean for perspective links or for "real" links? I might allow them to travel to different colors but only if they "really" touch, not sure yet.

I mean crossing over in this level:

It's indented but I'm on the fence about this one. I guess I'll try making a few levels with it in mind and see if it feels bad or too counterintuitive.


I get the idea of not being able to do it, but there seems to be on in-game-world explanation for it, which is what frustrates me. It's a guy who can walk across perspectives, but not across colors (???). You could do something basic like a plasma barrier appearing when he gets near the transition, or the guy recoloring to the color that he is standing on to indicate being bound to it, then revert back to black when falling through.