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(1 edit)

Thanks for playing. So, some of the problems you mentioned are just because of the half-finished state of things (In the previous version enemies simply threw you into a scene and the next stage after you got stunlocked) but I'm deciding to move away from that. It's not easy to understand a lot of what's going on when you have a ton of debuffs on you preventing you from doing anything, so I'm reworking a lot of that.

The wolves case is just the indicator before the wolf-girl spawns, who's kind of a pain to deal with. There's a lot of stuff I'll have to check in the future whether players can learn or if I only understand it because I made it. The new design is to try and introduce things slowly so you can see maybe one enemy at a time at the start but I'd need a proper game over so that players don't reach the chaotic end-stages and get confused too quickly.

And lastly, while there should be more content like you described coming along, I'm not sure how to implement traps. Other turn-based tile-based games usually have traps that are hidden until you search or you step on them because otherwise it's just a punishment for not paying attention or remembering what tiles a trap hits. There is a sort of projectile (blue foxfire) but maybe just some simple arrow trap dodging isn't so bad if the arrow traps are more dynamic like in Spelunky. I'll have to see.


>There's a lot of stuff I'll have to check in the future whether players can learn or if I only understand it because I made it.

I sympathize with that a lot.

>The wolves case is just the indicator before the wolf-girl spawns

Right, that makes sense.

As for the traps, I think instead of them being hidden, just having them triggering in patterns would be good. e.g. some spikes that maybe would force the player to actually use the wait action for them to hide at the right time to proceed. If you have things hidden from the player, then it's even less things the player can plan for.