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Note: Playing on linux like last time (DD42 I think) 

Combat feels better this time. The enemies having a stunned state when blocked works well. Though the little bug creatures in the cave seem to have a weird hit box and collision box where you cant hit them face on when in the stun state.

Not sure why you keep saying you have no content, their seems to be quite a bit here already. I'll need to either revisit this demo later or set aside more time for it next DD as I couldnt explore everything. The Forest past the guards to the town has a really nice atmosphere to it by the way, big fan. 

Also you made all the graphics yourself right? I genuinely forgot I was looking at hobbydev art and not a older gen higher budget videogames art. 

Adol cutting you off as the MC would introduce herself is pretty amusing tbh.

Im not a big fan of the save menu. Being able to write your own save names is nice, but it feels like there should be a button to save (like with loading) rather than having to hit Enter. It be nice to also show the date on the saves in both the save and load menus. 

Alright, glitches time:

- Not sure if this is for DD, but I keep seeing these messages in the top left corner.

- When first talking to Adol its shown as him saying "Thank you" a few times where I think its supposed to be the MC saying it, not him.

- The glitch of items to the right of the one being used in the inventory seems to be gone.. sort of. The items to the right still disapear, but will reappear once I close and reopen the inventory.

-  Torches in hand disappear on save and then load. Ran out of touches by saving and loading too much while testing things due to this.

- Dropped a torch at the keyhole accidentally, but I had a hard time picking it up since I interacting with the keyhole instead. Not sure if there is a nice way to solve this tbh, I guess the player needs to be smart enough to not drop stuff near interact able objects. (I was also able to pick it up by positioning myself correctly so it was fine eventually).

- Right outside the exit of the first cave if you hug the opposite side cliff it gets very dark. (screenshot is at daytime)

- Green lizards near the starting pyramid seemed to damage me after I killed them. Posted webm >>383727087

- Going to the load menu and leaving without loading anything seems to break the UI, I couldnt open the menus again afterwards. Had to close and relaunch game.

Hey cool, its me!

Thanks for the fun demo, cant wait to see more progress on this game. Think its going to be real [spoiler]fun[/spoiler] once its finished!


Thanks for playing, I'll be sure to try and fix the glitches and bugs until next DD!

The Graphics are mostly made by myself, most of the models are, some weapons are from a free for the month UE Asset pack and then edited, and most of the Textures, apart from terrain and plant textures, which are cc0 from openGameArt, and the particle effect textures, which are from various cc0 sources aswell. Both are then mostly just downscaled after to fit the resolution fo the other textures better. There might be other cc0 Textures that I took and forgot, sorry for that. 

I initially had a save button in the menu, but it didn't work well, so I cut it out for now. I'll be sure to re-add it and have it working properly for the next time.

The Right side of the save and load menues ( where the single number is) is reserved for save specific data, like player level, playtime, date of save, etc. but I haven't gotten around to properly adding it yet. The Systems are there, I just didn't fetch and display the data correctly yet.