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Really enjoying the game, but running into similar issues to others. I've completed most of the game, but can't trigger the in-game hint for the finding things potion or the sharpening. When I type HINT, it says that pebbles are sturdy and then the next hint gives me the full formula for sharpening, then no more hints. 

I saw someone mention adding the note as an ingredient. In my first playthrough, it said the note is not an ingredient. Also, I couldn't X it, but I could READ it. Typing GET NOTE didn't change that; I still had the note, could drop it and take it, but couldn't X it or add it to the pot. Almost like the game had two notes in the code, but IDK. I started over and in the new game I could add the note, but I don't know what recipe to use it in. 

Overall this is a very fun game!