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Hey, I played your game for the first time yesterday.

I played with a mouse and keyboard. I think your tutorial was really good, and taught me what I needed to know to try out your test area.

I disliked how trees obscure your view. I would like to have some x-ray, or something, but maybe you have some secrets planned behind the trees or something.

in the room with a small island and shooting enemies, the enemies just jump in the water to avoid the player, and don't try to attack if you are on land, so you can just shoot them from there without any problems, and changes to the way they act.

In the left top corner room inside some sort of tower with many enemies, the shooting enemies stay in their top corners, but if you stay in the bottom tile row, they cannot reach you with their poison projectiles, and you can just shoot them from there.

Enemies that are near walls, especially in the narrow pathway are hard to hit with normal sword attack. I know I can use the thrusting attack, or ranged weapon, so it was not a problem, but I am not a fan of how sword strikes can be stopped by environment. 

The combat feels heavy with all the delays, and I think it is fine. I think I was able to do some "combos", but I think it's just well timed attacks. 

I think right now the ranged weapon is too good compared to the sword. Maybe ranged weapon should use more stamina, or maybe the targeting should work for just melee. I am sure you are going to be able to figure something out to balance it in future. I just hope you are not going to implement some sort of ammunition.

Swimming felt too slow to me.

Getting swarmed by many enemies stuns a lot.

I think I would rather have more 1v1 combat, than rooms full of enemies especially when enemies can kill each other with poison.

Anyway, it was short, but fun. It's probably better to play with a controller, but I don't have one. I look forward to trying out the game in future

Hey, thanks for playing! I haven't decided yet how I'm going to handle trees obscuring the player's view. And yeah, I need to mess with the AI to make it so they don't go running into the water. As for the sword in narrow paths, I'm happy you were able to figure out you could to a thrust attack, and I'm probably going to be leaving wall hitting in for now so that choosing attacks/weapons appropriate for environments is important. For the crossbow, right now I am planning on making it use ammo eventually, so sorry about that. I might mess with the swim speed, but I might also make it so armor and shoes and other things effect swim speed. As for swarming enemies and 1 vs 1 and 1 vs many, it's mostly intentional that fighting multiple enemies is dangerous, so I doubt there will be many situations like the room with the 5 baddies in the final game.