I keep wondering how every new demo, content from previous demos keeps breaking (no offense meant). Here's a list of issues I ran into:
- Freeze at the cutscene where the hungry slime is supposed to jump off the tower and block your path - it simply never jumps down, used the quest skipper to progress from here
- After using the steak to open the side room in the underground area, the tanuki wouldn't give me another one (it was the correct dialogue, but a new steak never spawned), reloading the game let me progress again
- Freeze at the cutscene at the shrine, after the line "Slow down a minute. What did I miss?", this is where I got stuck
- Quest skipper doesn't work at all for shrine progress, the changes don't get saved and are instantly forgotten after leaving the menu
- Couldn't find a way to exit the settings menu accessed from the main menu
There were some other issues that are still present as well, like the screen border issue I've mentioned in previous demo comments, but it's not as annoying now that the screen settings actually work (only shows up if you alt+tab out of the game and back in now).