AMD Driver? I don’t have an AMD Graphics card, I’m a Nvidia user. I also use Windows 10, but I ran the game on a VMWare instance of Windows 7 using the older v1.06 version without any problems. I haven’t tested it with v1.1 (which uses more recent Godot Engine version), although I’ve tested on the virtualized Ubuntu environment (Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS).
I could say that Windows 7 is an issue, but the AMD driver is another info… something I sadly can’t test locally, so I have some steps to ask you:
- Step zero: is it 32-bit or 64-bit Windows? The game was always tested on 64-bit systems, even on VMWare-emulated Linux and Windows 7. You said the game starts OK but crashes. !) Download the v1.02 avaliable on my Patreon post: - can you run it on your environment?
- If so, try updating it to v1.07, the newest version with the older Godot Engine executable. Can you run it?
- If not, is OpenGL 3.0 installed in your Windows 7? That’s the one I use for the hardware-accelerated particles and overall graphics. I don’t have OpenGL 2.0 failbacks activated on the project. Again, I don’t know how AMD graphics works, I’m a green guy, hehehe.
- And even that, are you sure you wanna stay on Windows 7? Windows 10 is pretty solid by now, and can run even on 8+ year computers. If for game compatibility, you can use DOSBox for 16-bit old games.
I’m so sorry that this problem is affecting you, and I wish I can get more info for future updates, and maybe to decide using the older Godot Engine version or activate OpenGL 2.0 failbacks.