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Your comment made my day :)

I'm glad that the game and the story had no issues. You implied that you played the game just once, which makes me curious... which ending did you get? If you got one of the "early" endings (which is more likely) and you liked it this much, then a second playthrough should make you like the story even more. Still though, you give me the impression that you experienced a satisfying story, and that's all I could hope for!

This game would have been a perfect fit for your previous jam and it is very uplifting to think that I could have won there. Thanks for sharing!


I got Satan powers and scared my friends away. I'm keen to give it another playthrough though.

Indeed you got the earliest intended ending.

I saw your game too. It has a religious theme like Orphanarium which is a neat coincidence! But your game seems to go more into the light side of things! It is also very interesting that you made it back in 1993. But I didn't play it because I avoid installing games on my PC. Which is why i didn't comment on it. I wish had some form of private messages at times.

I wonder if you are part of the jam team, since your name is in the jam page.

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I'm sure you'll get to see it played on the Twitch stream at some point! I will clarify that the game's description is... unreliable to say the least. And yeah I did the logo on the jam page. :)

Played through yours a second time, had a great time with all the extra content I discovered. There was one glitch I found, where if you go down the well after getting the cross, you lose the cross and two different music tracks are playing. I also ultimately gave up that platforming challenge at the end with all the moving ghosts, I couldn't get past it or figure out any kind of strategy. Could just be my lack of platforming ability but I did find that part frustrating.

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Oh, wow you are a life saver! Indeed there is a bug in the underground level after you get the cross! I will fix it ASAP.

I assume that by "moving ghosts" you mean the white ghosts. Yes they can get tough, so you have to time your jumps. Thanks!

Edit: I fixed it, although I couldn't replicate the double music glitch. I assume that the cross-dissapearing glitch occurred when you tried to exit the watery caves, and not when you entered the well.