Frankly this year I am not even a fraction as motivated as last year. Which is a bit annoying but I'm going to make a plan tonight with approx tasks to do each day (lighter work on weekdays, heavier on the remaining weekend). And the game scope is going to be nailed down and sealed in a adamantium box ;) I guess I'll know this weekend if I'll be able to release something, but if nothing else I'll have a nice springboard project to use in future.
I will say though that the experience last year on the gamejam was super good, rewarding and USEFUL for these reasons - hopefully these can motivate you (and even me as I've been struggling as mention):
- Finally managed to release a game to the public - and this is a big deal
- Lots of feedback from your fellow jamsters and believe me there will be someone that really likes your game. Giving feedback is great fun too.
- Pulling together a 'full' game is very much accelerated learning - most tutorials you find simply won't cover the entire process of packaging everything needed to release a game.