Hey. This is my first major game jam. I think I'm doing ok, but I know I'm focusing mostly on stuff I've done on tutorials before, and I'm worried about the few new features that I have yet to implement where I'm going to have to apply my knowledge to a new situation :/ So it could all come crashing down.
My big problem seems to be staying focused. On Saturday I did so well! I breezed through it. Yesterday I needed a bit of a break. Today I just don't wanna. But I work tomorrow, so I feel like I need to do as much today as I can. Anyone got any ideas on how to stay focused and motivated when you have a close deadline? I think it's particularly hard for me because I don't have a realistic idea of how long different things will take to implement yet. So I don't know if I need to allow extra time for the menu screens or the audio yet. So it looks like I've got a pretty good start (set up two basic levels of a simple platform game - I've just completed the 2D course). But I don't know how to pace myself.
So yeah. Surely I'm not the only one struggling?