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No problem man.

I mean there is literally tons of free available code on the web, it's not like in the '90 or early 2000 where you had to read books, tests things out and when you finally got the result you hoped for you call it yours and yours only. With all the content available nowadays, you could build a game from ground up almost only by copying and pasting code from the web.

I find that most of the people confuse copyrighting a software/game with licensing. I find that these two are completely different cause copyrighting a software or in this case a game is more complicated as some might think, and implies a lot of money and even notary and attorneys I think, as licensing the source code with maybe Apache 2 License (as I did on GitHub) gives you some reassurance that someone will thank you if they find your code helped them in creating their product. (it's not my case that someone will find it useful 😅, but hey, maybe somewhere, someone will give me a thumbs up 👍 )

Nowadays I find that giving credit to someone for something is more important for the longer run. 😉

Take care.