A fun and well-made game! The achievement track was a great way to teach me how to play the game while playing it, and guiding me to the next step. It took me quite a while to build up a lucrative factory, and some of it was frustrating because of how buckets work and how difficult it was to click on things on the ground. However , once I got into the flow of it and got my first belt, it was very satisfying.
Some suggestions to improve the game:
- More audio for UI things. I'd love to hear something as I switch between build menu and change/rotate tools, for faster learning and better feedback.
- Tune the beginning of the game a bit so you can get to an initial belt to selling machine? Could be a player problem but it felt like it took a really long time. I think if buckets were a bit less frustrating (as far as getting things in them and not falling out), it wouldn't be or feel as long.
- I had to zoom my browser in to read stuff--played fine once zoomed in. Is it possible to export a build of the game with larger dimensions?
Once again, I really enjoyed your game and think you did an excellent job making it. Hope it was a fun experience and you learned a lot!