Regarding Tower chests...
1. Add the ability to remove a chest upon acquisition whether there is an available slot for it or not (free), OR
2. Allow the removal of a chest from a slot that it is currently occupying (free), OR
3. Allow a currently won chest to replace a chest currently occupying a slot (free or gold cost, NOT jewels).
The reasons for this are two-fold; First, There is nothing contained in a common (or frankly a rare) chest at this point that I have any use for, and I would favor the ability to trash those for the chance of higher level chests.
Second, it would increase the chances of acquiring an event quest specific chest, by allowing you to grind for it by removing common chests and pounding the tower until you won the chest you needed for the mission.
Regarding Girl Cards...
On each girl card, levels 1 - 4 display the girls in various states of undress, and the attack animation is always shown at the level 4 state. The attack animation should match the level. If the card is level 1, the attack animation should be the same. In addition, I would like an option to choose my preference of the card's appearance in both its avatar and its attack animation. Finally, there should be an option to preview (play) the attack animation when examining the card.
Regarding Avatars:
Please add many dozens of options for changing the player's avatar to something other than that same barbarian guy with the spear.