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Sir Peter McPhallus

A member registered May 31, 2022

Recent community posts

"...will last 14 days!"

Well, that was the fastest 14 days I ever saw.

Why will you not listen to your playerbase, and roll back to before the August 3rd update?  Why do you insist on doubling-down on your errors by making more errors?

Why do you stubbornly refuse to acknowledge that the update was a complete dumpster fire, and stop throwing gasoline on it in a feckless attempt to fix it?

I would just like to say...

Pretty much everything user2user just said.

You're not playing against another player in real time. A player is chosen by the system, and the AI runs that player's deck against you.

You see this? It took 32 turns to resolve this fight! 32!! That's just one fight! That's ludicrous, ridiculous, absurd, and insane, all at the same time.

I don't care if you're a payer or a free player, ain't nobody got time for that... Someone tell me I'm wrong. (Pro tip: I'm not wrong)

I'm not sure what the point of the coin toss is, since there is no gain or penalty for the result of a battle for the defender.  Even though the defender is a randomly selected player, his deck is controlled by the AI and win or lose, his tower score does not change.

Who goes first therefore, only affects the attacker. When the attacker got first turn every time. I had a 30:1 win ratio. Now that attackers don't always go first, that win ratio is now maybe 6:1 (well, it was that until I woke up one morning and my 55k life had suddenly become 2.3 million). 

I understand PvP balancing, but when there is only risk and reward for one side of a contest, then balancing has no value. The defender risks nothing and is rewarded nothing regardless of the outcome, while the attacker has 50 points on the line every time.  Increasing my chances of losing 50 points doesn't balance anything, and just makes the game more tedious and time-consuming.


And while we're on the subject of making the game more tedious and time-consuming...

What genius thought it would be a good idea to multiply everyone's life by a factor of 40?! I went from having a little over 55,000 life to having 2,310,000 life! The weakest opponent I have drawn in the Tower so far had 544,000 life. It took 6 turns to whittle him down to zero! Six turns! Before this update, that same guy probably had maybe 14,000 life. One turn and done, two minutes, who's next?

I don't need to re-state what others have already stated before me. With all the animations, a single tower fight can take a half-hour or even longer! I don't have that much free time to piss away on this or any other game. I'm a free player, and thank God I am, because if I had real money invested in this game, I would be madder than a wet cat. At least I can walk away without feeling like I've flushed perfectly good cash down the toilet.

Seriously, do you guys bother with testing this stuff before you implement it? This needs an immediate roll-back.

Hey, Hooligart,

Why haven't you made a new thread for this event?

When functions are bugged, and progress is prevented by those bugs, then compensation is in order, whether one pays to play or not.

Paying just to get around a bug is not the solution. Testing the functions and making sure they work before rolling out an event is the solution. But when that doesn't happen, then all players should be compensated for progress lost due to bug(s), regardless if they pay or not. All gacha games work this way.

Just add some time to the event. If it takes 18 hours to fix this bug, then simply add 18 hours to the event, that is all.

Does anyone have the Event Goal list for this?

You're guys are right, my bad.

I didn't realize "_____  active skills recharge 3 gems faster" actually changed the numerical value on the back of the card (from 0/15 to 0/12, etc.).  I thought it was always 12 and the perk just gave you 4 points for every 3 gems.

I was confused because I am used to fully charging Mythics using only 6 gems, which I now realize is because of the "All  ____  gems get upgraded by one level." perk, Which every element has now except Earth.  Apparently, if you only have level 0 gems to work with, you need all of them. But with all level 1 gems, then you only need half as many.

Still, it feels like Rockfall (Earth gems drop 2 times more often in any battle) isn't working like it should be. Only a half-dozen (or less) out of 42 total does not seem like "2 times more often" at all to me.

In the Snow Dragon battle, there are some issues.

The Earth Aztecs set ability Rockfall (Earth gems drop 2 times more often in any battle) does not appear to be working. After a near full board clear by myself or the boss, and seeing only 4-6 earth gems (and they're nowhere near each other) on the board doesn't seem like it's working.

The Earth Fairy Tale set ability Magic Dust (Earth active skills recharge 3 gems faster) is definitely not working. A Mythic skill (12) should fully charge with only 9 earth gems.  It doesn't.

Killing these guys above level 10 or 11 absolutely requires you to charge all five abilities on every even numbered turn, and use all five abilities on every odd numbered turn.

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Country Cousins' Mother Nature (-80% extra damage from gems to the water cards) and Whores of Babylon's Power of Earth (+100% extra damage from gems to the earth cards) weren't working either, but I have no way of definitively testing those. 

What would be helpful, is if the set bonuses would function consistently.

Active skills recharge 3 gems faster? Yeah, except when they don't...

Has to be a mistake. None of the other bosses do enough damage to prevent reaching the 10th turn auto-kill. 

Hey, neat!

Ummm... You planning on fixing the "Error DL7102-MODULE_NOT_FOUND" bug sometime soon? Because a bunch of us are stuck because we can't complete mission #7.

The event clock continues to count down while we are stuck on this mission.

To be fair, once you've fixed this, you will need to add time back onto the event clock, or give us some free Silver Coins, and the longer it takes to fix it, the greater it should be. That is what proper game developers do; they own their errors and compensate the playerbase for them.

(2 edits)

You're right about that. Ordinarily (depending on how lucky I am with RNG-ruled Tower chests) I can get to mission 19 or 20 before the PM Event ends. The one time I beat all 25 missions, it was because of items I acquired in the Colosseum event. Unfortunately, those Colosseum events are too few and far between...

That time, I had to Refresh 3 or 4 times until the card I wanted appeared, and still had enough CP to buy the card. That's how I got Pleione  and Musher both, and once you have them, it becomes possible to get more  out of the appropriate chests so they can be leveled.


I was hoping to pick up Navigator the same way this time around, but with the new pricing, the PM event is completely pointless. At 30K for a Mythic and 5K for a Refresh, if I'm lucky, I might get some new Toys out of it..

This take-away here is that the designers of this game do not understand Gacha Game psychology. They're going for the big spenders, when it's the nickle and dime transactions that actually make the money. Sticker Shock does not work in your favor here. Most people can justify dropping a buck or two on a game, and many of those spread out over days or weeks will add up to the same or more, because their brains don't do long game math. They can reconcile many small transactions. but will balk at huge one-time lump sums.

I'm not sure the Tower works the way you think it does. I'm in the top 10 with a pretty powerful deck (as long as I can get 6 matching gems in the first turn, I can't lose), and I haven't spent a dime on this game. There's no prestige or patronage involved, just a lot of time. I just keep fighting and fighting, and doing a whole lot of "Remove chest".  Mostly Common, but I've had to burn Rare, Epic, Legendary, and even Mythic chests in the process too.

All I'm suggesting, is that the "Remove chest" option for chests be made available for chests currently occupying a slot:

That way, I can remove Common chests (which I have no use for) to free up slots, so if I get a chest I want/need, I can keep it, rather than having to wait an hour or longer for the chest timer to tick down (while the event timer is also ticking away) in order to free up a chest slot.

The ability to open a chest early using jewels (or items acquired in the Colosseum) is fine, but it doesn't fix the problem when event mission progress is gated behind acquiring a certain level of chest which is governed entirely by RNG. And I'm not looking to open it anyway, I just want to remove it (and its contents) entirely. You can do that for free when you win it (if you have no open chest slots), so why not be able to do it anytime afterward?

If you aren't going to change the "Open ______ chests in the Tower ____ times" to something else, then you need to make it so we can destroy Common (or whichever) chests to make space.  That way, at least we could grind for it.

Even if you bought all the chest slots, you could conceivable fill them all with chests other than the one(s) required for the mission.

Doubling the prices was a mistake. Jacking up the cost of refresh by 10 times was an epic fail. You don't understand how Gacha games work. Very few people are going to drop $100 on an in-game purchase. The idea is to nickel and dime people to death with $1, $2, and $5 buys, and you have to make it worthwhile for people to spend it. That's how you make your money.

Spending $100 on any game, much less this one?

Yeah... no.

Apparently, they went completely the other way with it. Apparently a new Mythic girl is now 30,000 copper coins??

But what makes me believe this is a mistake, is that a Refresh is now 5000 copper coins, up from 500?? That's cannot be right...

Regarding Tower chests...

1. Add the ability to remove a chest upon acquisition whether there is an available slot for it or not (free), OR

2. Allow the removal of a chest from a slot that it is currently occupying (free), OR

3. Allow a currently won chest to replace a chest currently occupying a slot (free or gold cost, NOT jewels).

The reasons for this are two-fold; First, There is nothing contained in a common (or frankly a rare) chest at this point that I have any use for, and I would favor the ability to trash those for the chance of higher level chests.

Second, it would increase the chances of acquiring an event quest specific chest, by allowing you to grind for it by removing common chests and pounding the tower until you won the chest you needed for the mission.

Regarding Girl Cards...

On each girl card, levels 1 - 4 display the girls in various states of undress, and the attack animation is always shown at the level 4 state. The attack animation should match the level. If the card is level 1, the attack animation should be the same. In addition, I would like an option to choose my preference of the card's appearance in both its avatar and its attack animation. Finally, there should be an option to preview (play) the attack animation when examining the card.

Regarding Avatars:

Please add many dozens of options for changing the player's avatar to something other than that same barbarian guy with the spear.