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i think collisions might be bugged?

Hi. Thanks for your feedback :)

Yes, there are some collision issues, especially between the 3 mummies.

I know the reason but don't know how to fix it.

It started after I implement the Character Controller component. It uses a capsule collision, instead of a box collider.

The moment I put this component all the mummies started climbing one on top of each other

This is bad because It can break some puzzles (jumping wall to skip puzzles) 

But that had a good side too. After I saw one mummy climb on top of the other I thought of a new puzzle idea.

At this momment the tallest mummy is the only one that can activate high levers in some levels of the game... When I saw the small mummy managing to climb on the fat mummy, I thought that the would be nice to make the small mummy be able to pull levers too while on top of the fat mummy.

I think about implementing this as a possible puzzle solver, but first I need to fix these collision bugs between all the mummies. Basically I need to turn off the Character Controller's capsule collider, then set a new box collider, but I couldn't figure out how to turn the capsule collider off yet.

Any ideas?
