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(1 edit) (+1)

Yes I really like it and have added it to my collection to play more after the Jam.
You seem to have done the RPG course and used it well.

Btw I love your font choice.

My only question is why you used a flat terrain instead of a more bumpy one, I think that would really lift the game. An excellent submission.

Thank you for playing the game! I'm humbled to hear that it's a game you would play more later, means a lot.

No I haven't used the GameDevTV RPG course, although I can agree it is looks very similar (it's an RPG basically! xD)
I've learned from their course a few years ago. This project is the result of every knowledge I have cumulated over a few years from different sources, so it makes sense there are some similarities.

For this project everything was made by me manually during the game jam period. If you're interested, you can check out the public source code to see the building blocks of the game.

For the terrain, it was sadly a question of time. I was supposed to take care of the programming side and managing the project, but had to do the game design and map art for the last hours remaining. If I had more time I would have put more details to make a more compelling experience!

Thanks again for your feedback :)


I totally get what you are saying, the first jam I did two years ago I leaned heavily on course material but this time I just went from memory (and google) and did 100 hours in a week (18 on a Sunday) and it just flowed, and its a great feeling when you don't feel tethered to course material anymore.

I would really really really like to see you expand this with a stronger terrain, more fog, different health bars etc, you have the game mechanics sorted and you clearly have great artists involved, I don't think its far from a commercial release (not that I have done one yet). It could be the next V Rising.