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This game has a lot of potential! However, it still has a long way to go. 

I like how you can build up your momentum by bunny hopping, like in Dusk, but the movement can start feeling really janky/twitchy once you've built up some speed. I also feel like the camera tilt when you move side to side is a bit too much.

I like the trees and grass, they capture the 90s feel great. I do think a flashlight or some other portable light source would be nice to help navigate the darker areas.

 Also, I think I might have a solution this graphical bug, the floating lines above what I assume are 3D sprites:

Based on what I've done with 3D sprites in Godot engine, I think if you make sure there are no pixels touching the top or bottom borders of the sprite's image, this should go away, assuming it is what I think it is.

I'd really like to see where this will go! Keep up the good work!

Thank you for the feedback! (And I am sorry for the late response) 

I will adjust the movement script, and as for the weird issue with the tree planes, I think that might be an issue with the shader I used, since the transparency is done with 'cutoff' rather than the 'transparent' mode in Unity, so I will fix that in the next update. Also I'll try and get a flashlight added as well.

I'm glad you like the game so far, and I definitely will continue working on it! I'm looking forward to trying the other submissions as well!!