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The visual effect of constantly circling the globe is great and very well done!

I didn't understand the 'must lock to fire' mechanic at all.   Would not have figured it out if not for medicinestorm's comment.   Once I realized how it worked though, I kind of dug the mechanic.  It creates a nice tension as you track the enemy hoping to get a lock before they make it off screen.  A similar result could be achieved by giving the enemies a big health bar that depletes slowly as you shoot it.  That way the player has the satisfaction of being able to shoot whenever they like but they still need to track the enemies for a good bit in order to destroy them.

thanks wtl! I agree the mechanic could have been better explained... And the original plan was indeed to have free-fire lasers and lock-on missiles but i had only about 12 hours for programming so cuts were made.

when and if i finish this, there will be multiple missions, starting on earth, moving to mars and beyond, with upgrades and all that jazz.

thanks again for trying it out!