It took me 14 minutes, but finally got all for keys. Yeah, i do get lost without a map :D
One of the ideas i had for this mini jam was also a duality of characters, but it was only the same old boring light vs. dark, and i would never have thought of doing two worlds with differently paced music. I am glad it was you who did it, not me! And even if you did not compose the music yourself, you chose very well.
I wish there were a way to have a rough idea of where i can safely switch between worlds, because i sometime felt there were too much trial and error involved. I realized that the small platform with keys were always safe, but….
I also found the menu confusing. I think it was because i could move the characters around and that made me believe i could select and option by moving over and pressing some key, but none of the obvious worked—i even returned to the menu when the game taught me the use of F to interact, but to no avail. Did i miss something?