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Introverted Zombie

A member registered Aug 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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love it, great mixture between funny and horror.

oh I will have to look into that. Thanks for letting me know. 

Thanks =)

there is a ice pick stuck in the skeleton head under the text. You can use to unlock the door. I finished a new outline system for items so it's easier to tell. I just haven't implemented it yet. 

Absolutely love the art style.

Good game, I jumped in the pool and was surprised.

Really good RPG maker game. Great story.

Graphic goes really well with the atmosphere.

Thanks for playing and commenting.

Thanks for playing and commenting. Yeah the enemy AI is one of the major things I want to improve with. I'll be eventually changing how the enemy works to make it a lot less chaotic. 

Thanks, I've actually got a whole prototype area being worked on now with item highlights, many script changes, eventually AI changes, and currently adding in Steamworks and mirror for multiplayer. Going to rebuild it up as a 1-4 player game.

Great concept, great graphics, and a fun game. 

haha, eventually I want to change the name. I couldn't think of anything that really suits it in time. 

Thanks for playing and commenting. Yeah, Enemy AI is something I really want to improve. Given more time I would have more states for him to transition and make it less erratic.

Love the aesthetic and atmosphere very fun and polished game.

Amazing Concept. Took some getting used to figuring everything out. Very good music. Will definitely follow to see what you end up doing with this.

First RPG Maker game I've played this game jam. Felt really solid and fun. Keep it up.

Love the art and sound design. The art just draws you in.

Very cool concept of mixing 2D and 3D.

Very nice art and concept. I enjoyed how everything looked and felt it brought you into the game.

I felt like something was missing, could not put my finger on it.

well done, graphics are good, concept is good. I planned on reading everything I was not supposed too. haha.

Really good audio. Great atmosphere. The interact sockets were all really responsive. I would love to have the shovel XR Interact Socket to be Multiple mode with 2 hands set up so I could swing it like a great axe haha.

Fun concept, very good art.

Fun, Very nice atmosphere and Concept.

Thanks for playing and commenting. I have actually started working on a lot of this in my new prototype stage. Originally you would have been able to crawl under the stretcher but did not get the time to finish. I am working on my own music that I can blend between with some ease in and ease out to make it flush. Reworking the AI to be less buggy and more adaptable based on current states of enemy, player, and progress of the game. I will definitely look into the frame drops in that room.

Thanks for playing and commenting. =)

Thanks for playing and commenting. Yeah, I am currently working on Shader Graphs to create an outline and going to change the cursor based on the type of item you are looking at.

Thanks for playing. Yeah, Enemy AI is one of the things I joined the game jam to practice. I noticed he would sometimes get stuck and couldn't figure out fully why, so I created a timer system for if he gets stuck to give him a new destination to get him unstuck. 

Thanks for playing. yeah, I plan on making everything clearer in future.

Really fun, I was doing so well until I sent myself flying haha.

Fun spooky game, Unique art work.

Fantastic writing and world building. Very immersive.

Great artstyle, Fantastic footstep audio.

Really love the concept. Great Atmosphere.

Love the art design, fun concept. Really fun to play.

Love the art style direction. Spooky monster.

a fun cute but spooky game.

Thanks for playing and commenting. Now that i have finished my app for my school final I plan on getting to work on a outline shader and improve the dialog instead of saying this item doesn't work here to be more like the valve is stuck to give better player interactability. 

haha, really enjoyable to play.