Thanks for trying out our game!
I was thinking that it would be counterintuitive to explain the Danger Water while there was an explanation of Death Wizard's powers affecting the world, but I have adjusted the Water description to only say "Blue Water" in the new update that I just uploaded to emphasize that only the Blue Water is safe.
As for death affecting the game, I made the mechanic so that if the player has more Deaths than Coins, the Enemies and the Moving Platforms will slowly speed up as it is supposed to be a world controlled by the "Death Wizard", the opponent of Beany. It wouldn't be noticeable early on for players who are experienced in platforming games as they would be able to breeze through the first few levels easily, but we were also thinking of the new players that's why we added a lot of coins (And I have added more in the update) to help them have more leeway.
Still, thank you again for trying out the game and we're glad that you enjoyed some of the aspects of it!