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This game is honestly quite fun, we laughed a lot while playing it and it was impishly entertaining to find ways to "make more friends" xD The ghosties also have cute faces, it was fun looking at them! The physics of their bodies also looked nice, with the "cloth" feel to them. The menu had a lot of options for tweaking everything which was really good as well!
The only issues we noticed in our playthrough were the citizens catching on fire just by possessing them, we fell in the water and we had to find a way up (but we don't think it was intended to happen) and when there's a lot of ghosts, not only does it become much harder to walk/drive but if you get close to the wall of a house, you get stuck there because they surround you and you can't move anymore. If people die inside houses, some ghosts get stuck in there unless you approach them and they start following you. Not a big deal but thought it was good to mention it.
Hopefully this can help you indentify the bugs! Good luck on your future endavours! o/


Thank you, I'm really glad you enjoyed it! For the ghosts, I modeled their shapes in Blender (basically a sphere with one end blown out), then used Unity's Cloth component to handle all the animation. I spent about a day implementing the menu stuff, just trying to figure out how complete I could make the game.

Thank you so much for your feedback. Some things were bugs I shrugged and made features, like fire-by-possession. I went back and forth on letting the ghosts pile up on you and how to handle that, but left it as I felt it created a sort of challenge to keep moving, and they don't follow you until your first death, so the longer you survive, the longer you can keep them from crowding you. Exploring underwater was something I always wanted the ghosts to do, but I need to refine the movement so it's a bit easer to move vertically.

Thanks again, and good luck to you as well!