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A member registered May 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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Just dropping by to say the story of this visual novel is so unique and funny! Can't wait to see how it continues :D

Thanks a lot! :D

Thank you, happy to know you enjoyed the game! :)

Thank you x)

Quirky concept. Can have potential but it needs a bit more smartness in the decisions you take in the levels rather than limiting your actions by time. We also walked up a ladder in the 4th level and when we jumped off the game froze (character and timer were both stuck) so we couldn't complete the level. :(

Cool puzzle game, loved the wall climbing mechanics and the switching between "dead and alive" state, allowing you to complete the levels. It felt a little bit too easy towards the end, but nothing that can't be improved at a later time. Overall a good experience, good job! :D

Really nice puzzle game, managed to complete all the levels although the shot in the upper left section of the last level took us a million tries and it felt very tedious rather than fun. It would also be nice if the explosion effect of the ball wasn't as massive because it makes it harder to see things when it happens and it feels a little excessive. Maybe a simpler but still shiny smaller particles effect would be nice?
All in all everything else worked perfectly fine, the different mechanics were engaging and you introduced them very well. Good job! o/

Thank you so much!
The cat was supposed to look to the left because the bird had to come from the left but we just noticed it spawns on top of you so we'll make sure to make it spawn from the correct spot ASAP!
The boxes are definitely the biggest challenge but we left them like that because once you break them they won't respawn, making the run easier on your second try. The only boxes that respawn during the chase are the ones needed for the big jump.
We'll work on the audio and the text is definitely something that has been pointed out to us already and we'll make it bigger in a future update!

Well executed horror games, it does have the right vibes and we actually really enjoyed the pixelated aesthetics, it makes the game feel spookier exactly because nothing is defined in a perfectly realistic way, making it so that you end up lacking the sense of safety familiarity gives you.
Only improvement we would suggest is to add more eerie sounds, especially to the black figures. Would make encountering them much more of a jumpscare since some of them are not too unpredictable. Good job with the game and in your future endeavours! o/

Hilarious idea, gameplay was fun too. Would be awesome as an expanded game with different types of power-ups other than the guns (more health or something?) but the increasing guns definitely fulfilled their purpose of becoming stronger while not making the game endless in order to receive a highscore. Good job!

Wonderful game, loved every bit of it, from the finely curated pixel art to the gripping gameplay that left us progressively more curious as how the ending would go. The characters may seem simple initially but their personalities blend together perfectly to leave you skeptical about all of their actions! The ending was unexpected and we really liked that it was devoid of cynicism.
The only issue we encountered is a pretty minor one, but it's related to the swapping of the clue images when you insert them in the timelines: when you change them fast, they tend to glitch a bit (this only occurs when you have found the object clues and not only the characters).
Really great job with this game, you're very talented!

Thanks a lot, glad to know it was to your liking! :)

Thank you! :D

Thank you and nice job reaching the ending! :D

Thank you, we tried to make the game as unpredictable as possible in order to keep the comedic feel throughout its entierty. :)
We had originally planned more scenes for the game but due to time restrictions we had to cut some of them in order to still provide an ending instead of dropping off in the middle of the story.
Happy to read you appreciated the art so much, we made sure to put a lot of care in each pixel even if it costed us a bit of sleep haha

We're glad you enjoyed both the aesthetics and the gameplay! Thanks for playing! :D

Thank you for your kind words! <3

This game is definitely the best puzzle platformer we have played so far! The levels are fun and the difficulty feels just right, the art is great proper pixel art with a consistent style and palette and you were also very attentive to avoid certain possible game-breaking mechanics (like the platform squeezing the character in one level but not making it stuck). Overall really good job, we really enjoyed playing it and would play a longer version of this too :D

Thank you so so much! <3
Cat life in the outdoors can be quite perilous indeed haha

Hahaha yes, the cute cat has to be veeery careful x)

Thanks a lot, glad you enjoyed both the gameplay and the art!
It's totally fair, we couldn't make the speech bubble too big in order to make it fit in other scenarios of the game but we'll see what we can do to increase its size a bit!
We're happy you had fun and we thank you so much! <3

The concept of the game is very interesting and we managed to reach the end of it, but sadly right before we were about to cross the portal to afterlife, the dialogue became bugged and we couldn't choose neither of the dialogue options, preventing us from fully finishing the game. Hopefully it will be possible in a future update?

This game is honestly quite fun, we laughed a lot while playing it and it was impishly entertaining to find ways to "make more friends" xD The ghosties also have cute faces, it was fun looking at them! The physics of their bodies also looked nice, with the "cloth" feel to them. The menu had a lot of options for tweaking everything which was really good as well!
The only issues we noticed in our playthrough were the citizens catching on fire just by possessing them, we fell in the water and we had to find a way up (but we don't think it was intended to happen) and when there's a lot of ghosts, not only does it become much harder to walk/drive but if you get close to the wall of a house, you get stuck there because they surround you and you can't move anymore. If people die inside houses, some ghosts get stuck in there unless you approach them and they start following you. Not a big deal but thought it was good to mention it.
Hopefully this can help you indentify the bugs! Good luck on your future endavours! o/

Thank you for appreciating the game so much, it makes us very happy <3
We're sorry you didn't get to experience the ending but thank you for trying it out anyway!

Very cute and exciting little game! I really liked the big spell and teleportation system. I have only 1 question though: how does the big spell work? I noticed that when I used it only amidst little skeletons it exploded in a big area but when I used it right next to the boss, it expanded only for half of its size. That made it so that I couldn't defeat the skeletons that were behind the boss with the AoE spell. Is it intended? o:

In any case I managed to complete the game and I found it quite fun, really great job! The pixel art was nice as well and I liked the light effects since they were present but not excessive! :)

Thank you, we're happy to read you had fun with our game! It is designed to be a bit challenging so your experience is totally fair even if you are not a platformer expert ^^
Thanks for playing! <3

Thank you very much, we're happy that you enjoyed the game in all its aspects!
We've looked into the bugs you listed and managed to fix all of them (your comment was very insightful)! There were some things that ended up being modified as we had fixed other aspects of the game and it messed up some mechanics. Now we applied the fixes and tested every single seagull interaction/death and hole!
It means a lot that you could feel the passion that went into the game's making and we thank you again for your compliments. <3

(1 edit)

Thank you! Glad you found meowing around to be fun :D
The ending can be a bit bittersweet, but we tried to make it as cheerful and fun as possible with the jam's theme in mind x)

Thank you, this is a big compliment, we're happy it left such a good impression on you!

Thank you so much!!

We feel you, we voted for the themes some days before the jam started and we tried imagining some possible games in order to pick what we deemed was the most fun theme to work on, but when "death is only the beginning" got announced we were a bit surprised because it was one one of the themes we had the least initial ideas for, as it mostly made us think of souls-like games. x)
Some solutions also sounded too broken in our minds, allowing for infinite exploit of the game mechanics so we ended up discarding them. Ultimately we arrived to the concept of "cats have 9 lives" and that's how our game came to be haha
Can absolutely relate to the "delirious tiredness" of the last day as well, we pushed very hard to complete the game in time for the deadline because we didn't want to miss it and we ended up getting only 4 hours of sleep after submitting it! WORTH IT!! It will definitely be a special memory for us as well!

The game is a good rendition of the asteroid shooter genre and the sounds are really nice. The gameplay was smooth and intuitive. In the future it would be nice to have a BG that is easier on the eyes and maybe some powerups to make the gameplay more exciting? The blast cannon is cool, but it can get repetitive if you're aiming for a really high score. We found the movements to be a bit on the hard side with how fast it can get if you keep the button pressed for too long but we understand the thought behind it as it does make you feel very mobile as well compared to a side-scroller type of gameplay. Maybe some brake function could have done the trick!
You seem very passionate about space shooter games so we hope this feedback can help you improve on something that you will keep developing in the future. :)

We're happy to hear such a paw-sitive response to our little game! Thank you so much! :3

Hello, it brings us a lot of joy to know our game inspired you so much. As long as you keep yourself curious, experimental and observant (care for detail without rushing is very important) you will see your art grow constantly!
We're glad you liked the cat protagonist! Cats are pretty neat indeed! ;)
We'll be happy to try your game as well!

Thank you so much for taking the time to try it out again! Glad to know there weren't any problems with the download version!
There isn't another ending so you did everything correctly. Thanks again for the compliments, really appreciated :)

It's definitely a very fulfilling sensation to create something from a game genre that you love! Happy to read you had a good time with your buddies as well!
We played your game too, I struggled a bit being killed by the flying enemies while jumping on their heads but my partner was very good at it and made lots of cool jumps haha It was fun x)

Thank you! We made the dog like that on purpose so that you had to be careful when approaching it since they are usually cat's common enemies x)

We found out it happens when you meow (on the 3rd time) and walk past the bird in the same frame. We'll structure the code better to make that impossible to happen!

Hello, thank you for loving the game! Sadly the 9 to 6 lives issue lies in the WebGL version but we still need to figure out how to fix it...that's why we made the game available for download as well. We're sorry it occurs and will investigate into how to work around that in the future.
We fixed the box collider in a recent hotfix after your feedback so now there are no more problems related to that specific hiccup! If you ever feel like giving it another try and completing the game, now you shouldn't have any game-breaking problems!

Thanks a lot! We based the game around the concept of "curiosity killed the cat" in order to make you prone to lose lives out of curiosity and then " learn from your mistakes" but we understand it can feel frustrating for some players. Still, we're glad you enjoyed the game regardless and we'll ponder over your feedback!