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A member registered Jul 13, 2017 · View creator page →

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This is such a simple and well executed game. The artwork, music, and theme of the game all complement each other nicely, and the challenge of timing the launch just right makes for a perfect skill feedback loop. This is a very solid jam game, all the more so given that it's your first jam. Great job on your game!

I also thought of Thomas was Alone. This is a really solid minimalist styled platformer. All the mechanics worked really well and it all felt like a nice cohesive package. Great job!

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you so much, that's really good to hear. A mouse sensitivity slider was a definite oversight, and i've added one for the post-jam update, as well as a few other things. Thanks again for the great feedback!

Thanks so much for giving it a play!

Thanks so much for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

This is a pretty cool asteroids game, though I'm not sure I got a hang of the towers. I would have liked to be able to hit the asteroids from farther away, especially because they seemed to spawn fairly equidistant from the base and so would all arrive at about the same time. The other issue I encountered was there didn't seem to be a way out of the controls screen. I think a great way to further develop this would be to figure out a minimap, maybe something like in elite dangerous, especially as the asteroids could sometimes be lost in shadow. All that said, this was a really cool submission and a great space game foundation. Nice job!

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oh my god i beat it. I didn't even know you could attack, and there was one gap i just could not get across right at the end, but then read that last comment and spammed attack in the air and made it. I kinda liked how funky and different the ladder climbing was. This was definitely frustrating, but i won and feel better for it. Nice work on your game! Oh, also, I really liked the music.

This is a really fantastic little game. I thought it was a really clever premise and twist on the theme, the characters were great, and the music was a great choice. Very well done!

What an incredibly frustrating game. Great job! The teleport mechanic was a really nice addition to the formula and added a bit more strategy to the approach. Nice work on your game!

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Nice work on your game! Good character design and use of theme. I didn't realize you had multiple defensive options until reading the comments. The cannons shooting themselves and the castle their defending is pretty frustrating, especially when you have no real control over where they aim. This might work if they had a vision cone, so you can place them strategically, but not if they can turn 360. Besides that though, this is a good basis for a tower defense game

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This is a nice little card game and a cheeky use of that Wildcard. Some flavor text on the monster cards would have been great. Nice job on your game!

Very, very nice work on your game. This felt incredibly polished. I would have like a way to pause and read the notes on the various systems, but that's it. This was a fantastically well done game. Great job!

That was really cool. The music created a very good sense of malevolence, and the low res quality really paid off when the tower was fully upgraded. It left a lot to the imagination, but still showed off the complexity of the tower itself. I chose the third ending, but now wonder what would have happened if I had submitted to the tower's oppressive will. Well done!

Great job, a lot of really fun ideas in your game. Would have been really nice to fullscreen it and get a better view of the sprites (if you were having trouble with this, you may need to go into project settings -> Display -> Window -> Stretch and set the Mode to Viewport). Some tunes and bloops would have been nice, as well. But it was really cool when the buildings started shifting down and realizing they could actually be undermined like that. 

That was genuinely baffling. I made it to the end I think and unfortunately the final cutscene seemed a little bugged and showed only a black screen with the text displaying sound from the start, so I did not get to see my beautiful wife who may or may not have also been reincarnated as a building. I like to think she was. I like to think we're happy now.

Very well done, great work on your game. The movement felt very nice, though just floaty enough to make it a bit tense when you get higher up. I would have liked a restart button, mainly because the first thing I did was walk off the edge. but overall all this was really well done. I really liked seeing the whole tower spinning in the menu. Didn't find and bugs or have any great feedback. This is just a solid chill parkour game. Great job!

Thank you so much for the excellent feedback! I'm really glad you liked it. Great catch on that last bug, already found the culprit and fixed it. I also added in some accessibility features, like increasing slowdown time (i also like a bit more here) that we can update when the jam ends. Thanks again

This is really good! Great use of the wildcard and very nice presentation. The time ghost mechanic works really well. Great job on your game!

I love these types of games, and you did a really great job on yours! I think the UI could use a little work, as the mana bar was too thin to read the text within, and it took me forever to find the experience bar along the upper left edge, but I think mechanically it is a fantastic old school rogue-like. Nice work!

Really great idea for a game. Took me a few deaths to understand what I was supposed to be doing in regards to the tower defense part, then a few more to realize the only viable approach was prioritizing the shortest, cheapest tower. Never got enough to buy the other two. I think it would have helped a lot to give each tower a more distinctive look, at least a unique paint job, as it just wasn't always easy to tell if that last one was a short one or a really short one. As others have said, the delay on flipping back over and the fast reshuffle felt especially punishing. Maybe making the cards immediately flip back over when the player starts clicking a new set would have been viable. Only got past the cats once. Anyway, all that said, really great concept and great work on your game!

This is a really fun take on the theme and a really nicely made game. Music was perfect and the cats were fantastic. That last level was a true challenge. Great concept and great job on your game!

Very cool game, well done. I Struggled quite a bit on the second level with the green lasers. I think it would have helped some if the action didn't start until the dialogue was over, but it was really cool to have the story and characters in your game. Great work!

Ah darn that is unfortunate! Wish I could update this thing cause that is a really easy accommodation to make.

Great job on your game! I made it to the top, and unfortunately it crashed when I got to the door, but up until then it was really good. Tight controls and a good challenge progression. Well done!

Nice job on your game! I got to the 6th floor, but wasn't able to damage the ghost there and eventually died. Some sort of health display would have been really nice. but there was good feedback when you hit enemies. Great job!

Great work on your game! The movement was really precise and felt good for landing on those small platforms, and laid the blame firmly on myself when I edged off of them. One thing I would have really liked is a way to turn the music down, but besides that this was really nicely done!

Really nice tower defense game. I don't know if these normally have it, but a fast forward button would have been really nice to see the towers quickly grinding through waves of slugs and friends. Great work on your game!

Great job, I really liked the artwork in your game. It was a little tough to get a hang of the dual use of right click, and my guy kept rushing into the fray, but the abilities were really helpful. It might have been nice to break out the movement keys to wasd or arrows, or to keep it on the mouse, use right click for both normal and special attacks and left click to move. Anyway, got through a few waves and defeated a big guy before those dang wizards got me again. Really nice job!

Great job on your game! This is a super cute twist on the theme, and a really cool use of canvas items. The minigames could be a little confusing at first, but there was only so much you could do wrong, so it wasn't really a problem. I really like the crewmates walk and the whole nice little package. Well done!

Nope, that's not it. i left it on the desk that requested it. it was weirdly clipped through the desk when i set it down, not quite sitting on top of it, but anyway i didn't do anything with the cup after it gave me the password. That said, yeah, probably would be a good idea to turn off interactive functionality once a prop has served its purpose.

no, after the coffee, I got the password, used it, then must have missed something and wandered around for a bit. I think i checked the bathrooms. Some sort of save system checkpoint at the start of each level would have been grea

This is really well done! I don't think I saw it all, though. I seem to have gotten stuck on the 3rd day and couldn't figure out what I was missing to progress after checking out the computer. Mechanically really well done and very atmospheric. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, but this was a very cool casual custodian/intern simulator. I thought the interaction system especially was very nicely done, and the audio felt just right for what I played. Great job!

Hey thank you so much! I'm really glad you like it! Mouse sensitivity slider was something I meant to add, too. Thank you for your feedback

Really like the menu screen and the story, as well as the dude's barks. There are a lot of nice touches here. I couldn't get past the second level where they attack the car because it was difficult to come by adequate weaponry, but overall really nice work on your game! Great job!

Great job! A bit difficult to see the enemies, it might have helped to tip the camera down a little bit to be more top down, but it was manageable as is. Good work on the enemy ai as well!

Thank you for the kind words, I'm really glad you enjoyed the achievements! I think i'll include those in all my jam games going forward

Nice job on the ai. I wasn't sure how the lightning bolt was helping, but this is fun arena game

Nice job! I wasn't sure what to do with the fortune teller or whatever in the last stand, but got that guy his teddy bear, so i feel pretty good about myself today.

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Good mouth feel, especially for just a day. Out of curiosity, what was your first idea?

Oh wait, just noticed you posted this 8 days before the deadline... was this actually the first idea?