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Hi, ricjj777, thank for so much for your feedback. :) About your suggestions:

1: Ive release this morning 1.1 update. Ive upgrade several things including movement, camera and much more.

2: The 4th level I agree its kinda hard. But if you press the H key you will get a hint in every level.. Im thinking of making the hints start on at the beggining of the level then making it fade away after a few seconds... I think people are not using the hints xD

2.1: Still talking about your 2th suggestion, can you describe what you think was hard in the game? I really wanted to make the game harder, but since its a game jam and people are in a rush to play several games, Ive created each level more introducing a new puzzle solver mechanique then actualy doing an hard puzzle.... But if I create an oficial game from this in the future, I will sure do some harder level in the late game.

3. In 'Sorry Mummy' it was the first time I tried to do a different camera style in my games.. And actually I'm still pretty bad to create cameras. I tried to make a follow/3d Rotating camera, but I have just wasted 4h of work and almost broke the project xD  Take a look at the 1.1 update Ive release today, see if you like the new moviment/camera stile... (I still want to improve the camera in future updates)

4. Thank you for your suggestion. I will try to fix it for 1.2 :)


Thanks for taking my suggestions, and I hope your game does well!!! Also, the thing I found hard is moving the mummies, especially when they're behind a wall. I will check out tour game now.