Very fun. A top down space shooter with tight controls and a solid upgrade system.
Looks great. "Sleek" is the word I would use. I really like the side gun look. Colors pop and the bloom looks nice.
Great music. Fits the game
Fantastic. Fits the game, and feels super professional.
The only one upgrade system feels bad. I am forced to kill myself to progress, but then I am immediately met with that barrier. So I have to suicide A LOT.
The shooting, controls, and hitboxes all feel perfect though. No complaints there. The upgrades feel satisfying and encouraged progress.
None as far as I am aware.
This feels like an exceptional space shooter with the gamejam theme slapped onto the upgrade system.
Honestly this could be a very fun game. I would take off the death thing and look for other unique mechanics you could add. I'm biased, but possibly a slay the spire artifact collection system? I want my ship to be completely overpowered. I want missiles and explosions all over the screen. Poison bullets. Flamethrowers. You have great starting point for a truly enjoyable space shooter and I would like to see you do something great with it.