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A member registered Mar 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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Per the post, I will not be adding NSFW and the game has been released. 

(1 edit)

I continue to be amazed at your sense for game design. This is a solid game and I would very much enjoy if it were an expanded experience. 

Bugfix for this just released. Was it every red overload or just during blood moon? Were other overloads also causing the crash?

Thank you for the report! I'm looking into expanding this into a full game possibly in the future. I'll look into the issue if I decide to make this into a full title. 

Creative. Great art. Needs music and sounds.

The gameplay didn't feel very impactful. Always got odd or even. Regardless what I chose, it didn't seem to matter. Population rose and declined. If I guessed wrong, it didn't use my choice so it felt silly to think over my choices.

Visited because you said you made an autobattler.

This has a lot more strategy and thinking than mine, and I enjoyed it a lot. Once I figured out how to properly allocate my army, I was able to get a swift victory. I could see this being an interesting multiplayer/competitive game.

Where the game struggles is presentation. A huge amount of text at the start was hard to understand. I think the tooltip about being able to move dice between trays was far more informative than the entire text wall at the start.

The sounds were ok, but I didn't like the "Ow" sound.

The music was good, but could be improved.

Rather than rolling for army cards, I think I would prefer a traditional deck mechanic. You place which cards you want into the deck, and use the same auto battler system

The powers system also felt underpowered. I usually just stacked 4 dice into the army tray.

I wish I didn't have to move the dice to the trays I wanted after every turn. 

Excellent base gameplay, but could use some polish in the sound and tutorial department.

(1 edit)

I've seen the dice face swap roguelike a few times. It is a fun concept. You did a great job with it here, as you keep the tutorials to a minimum and immediately have the player experiment with the system.

No issues with this mechanic. It fits the theme and is very fun. I urge you to check out Roll for Royalty, which used an almost identical system (but struggled with presentation). It used some cool effects that could be implemented in your face swap, like burn, and extra coins. 

The rolling for movement system is cool, but I feel it takes away from the general strategy. Just the face swap mechanic by itself would be fine.

Music, sounds, and art all are great. 

I did encounter a bug where if you quickly mash space after rolling the number de, you will jump again and reroll both dice. It will then lock the game. (Seems everyone has reported this already. Sorry)

Looks good. No music or sound.

The battle system looks really cool, but for something with this many menus and effects some form of onboarding would be helpful.

I made a similar battler. I like seeing where others took the idea.

This game has similar issues, where the randomness of the dice can really mess you up early on. I did like options. Grub, talk, etc. I was hoping a perfect 6 on talk would instantly win the battle. Unfortunately all it did was lower defenses so it felt underpowered. 

I felt the dice mechanic was a bit underdeveloped. You could completely replace it with any other rng and the game would feel the same. 

The game looks good and sounds good. Good marks on presentation.

Game looks great. The music is good, and the sounds are passing.

I got durability upgrades a lot, and a "Null" upgrade. not sure what they did. Delivering packages didn't seem to need the upgrades at all.

The rng number of packages at the start felt like it was tacked on to make the game fit the theme.

Overall: The art stood out. Everything else was just good.

Relaxing sudoku-type game. Reminds me of that old game called 2048. 
Would love this as an app.

Part of me wanted to drag and drop dice onto the board, however I'm not sure if this would be a good idea. 

Perfect execution. Followed. 

There were a lot of bugs immediately. Resolution errors. Music and sound glitches.

I found myself accidentally skipping a lot of dialogue because nothing was happening after a roll. If you sit there and wait, nothing happens. 

The dialogue seems funny, but due to the skipping thing, I only got to read parts of it.

As someone that always chooses nice options in these types of games, it was refreshing to be forced to be mean. 

Feels like it could do more with the theme. No dice. No rolling. Just rng. 

I waited for probably to get really high and nothing happened.

Music is good. Sound is ok. Art is ok.

I've seen the face swap mechanic a few times, but so far this game does it best.

A nuclear throne style top down shooter. I've seen some games that reroll the dice when you dodge/roll so you could possibly implement that as well.

Not much to say that hasn't already been said. This game is a handful of QoL tweaks from being a full commercial title. Gameplay is juicy, sounds are great, and mechanics work well without needing a bunch of explanation. 

Pick up and play. Only downside is this isn't playable in browser. 

Very good. Baba is you style art. Sound, music, art all professional.

The mechanics are easy to understand and quick to implement. You don't need to think too hard while playing but there is a basic level of strategy. You will need to think ahead and decide if you really need to block all the damage. This is impressive for a game jam.

Fits the theme, does something unique, and does it well. I could see this being a much larger game.

Great job.

A Yahtzee style combat game.  Not particularly innovative, but it works.

Art  looks good. Music was a bit rough, and sounds were ok.

Screen did not fit into the browser window.

Art is rough. Not sure what I was supposed to be doing. No music. 

It seems like a traditional board game. Theme fits, but there isn't anything unique being done. 

Roll the dice to determine the minigame which determines if you hit or miss.

The presentation looks great. Good music. The sounds are good, but I can see room for improvement.

It feels like the dice rolls are not all that important for gameplay. You could remove the roll mechanic entirely, and just give us a random game to play. 


This moves away from the traditional game dice piece. It interprets dice as the slicing action.

Clever. Fun. Looks good. Feels like a minigame you might find in warioware. 

Good marks for creativity. 

Great aesthetics. The music is funky.

The game took a long time to load. Then it crashed when I clicked rolling out.

When I clicked rolling in, it seems to be an isometric infinite runner but you randomly get different buffs.

It can be difficult determining if I will make a jump from this camera angle.

You are rolling a die, and getting random buffs from the die, but I don't feel like this mechanic benefits the game in any meaningful way. 

Music, Sound, and Art all are professional.

Didn't really enjoy the gameplay all that much. I ended up spending several turns wandering in a circle around the ladder because I could not roll the dice I needed. 

Seen this gameplay in a few other titles. I think Rogue Dice by Carson_23 (even has the same name as yours) slightly improves on the formula by not forcing you in one direction. 

Overall, great presentation but I disliked the mechanics. 

Music, Sound, and Art are all of professional quality.

The mechanic fits the theme well.

This is an interesting puzzle platformer. The random effects are cool, but I feel the game would have been better if I could control which effects appear. 

There is a lot here. The game looks good. The sounds are great. The music is fine.

You start with A LOT of tutorial. You can gut almost all of it. The dice face swapping mechanic is fairly easy to understand. 

You don't need to introduce us by bringing us into the game with some weird backstory. Just plop us down and explain what to click.

The location/map thing is not necessary. Just go from enemy, to shop, to enemy. 

This game is fun. It uses the theme well and I found myself playing for much longer than the other game jams. If you trim the fat you would have a real gem here. 

No sound or music.

Graphics look nice.

Mechanics work, but they don't seem al that fun. If anything, being unable to control your characters while they get attacked seems frustrating. Unique, but I'm not sure it works well here.  It fits the theme though!

Graphics look nice, and the firing mechanic was fun. 

Game isn't finished. 

Music, sound, art, animation: All professional.

Would love to see a full game that uses this combat system. Possibly include other symbols, and I can pick which skills I have memorized.

Works with the theme in a way that feels natural.

Top marks. 

This was a masterpiece.

The mechanics, the art style, the sounds. All great.

The game fit the theme, and even with a complex matching premise, was very easy to pick up. 

Some of the orders, like the ones that request above 30, just aren't feasible. Also, you can stack so many orders I didn't feel as rushed. Maybe only allow us to pull off a few orders at a time. 

Perfect score from me. 

Not really a fan of voice sounds effects. 

No music. 

Visuals seemed to be from different asset packs.

Never had to monologue or cheat. I just spaced out my damage between all three characters.

Overall the game was simple, easy to understand, and enjoyable. I never had to change how the dice landed so I can't say if this really fit the theme. 

This is pretty fun. It's a bit easy though, as 1-3 are top, and 4-6 are bottom. You only need to click up or down. Maybe another mechanic could be added so you have to actually move horizontally. 

Good sounds, clean visuals, and addictive gameplay.

Well done. 

When you break down the theme to its purest element, you get this game. 

Great visuals, music is simple but enjoyable, mechanic fits the theme.

Saw a similar mechanic with a game called Rogue Dice. This game has better presentation, but smaller/simpler levels. 

Occasionally I couldn't capture an enemy dice, and I wasn't sure why. Possibly it was connected to the top face of the enemy. Or do I have to END movement on an enemy dice? My fault, this was explained and I passed over it.  

Clever. Stomp on specific spots on a die to make a pattern. The art is simple but readable. The music is also present but does not feel intrusive. The random spot placement is also helpful to avoid predictability. 

Great as a short game. Not sure how you could expand it into a larger experience.

Addictive. Factory games tend to be pretty good in these game jams.

Reminds of idle clickers like cookie clicker. With the added complexity of having to place the components. 

I would honestly like to see this concept outside of dice. Or with d8,d10s,d12s, and d20s.

Sounds are a little harsh on the ears, but its probably my volume. The sounds themselves are quite enjoyable.

Would love some simple, idle music.

Great job.

Art, sounds, music, all professional level quality.

Mechanics are easy to understand, quickly become complex, and fit the theme.

My only gripe is the rolling theme feels a little tacked on. 
I feel like the reroll mechanic could be scrapped entirely, and you could just choose your next movement. The puzzles would all be the same, and you wouldn't have to reroll nonstop. 

The mechanics are easy to grasp and you don't need to read too much to understand how the game works. The tutorial is very straightforward and helps a lot. 

The art is nice. The music feels amateurish. The sounds feel thick. 

Great job. 

Standard tower defense game but you can throw a giant die to crush enemies.

The dice is supper pixelated. Why? The other assets are at  much higher resolution.

What does crushing enemies with a giant die have to do with heaven and hell? You could replace it with a boulder and the effect would be the same. The rolling die fits the theme, but it feels like it doesn't fit the rest of the game.

Music and sound are good. Art could use some work.

The tower upgrade system was smooth. Good work on that.

The tutorial system was also well implemented. Good job. 

The music is so cool. Loved getting the music all playing. The neon vibe is also very nice. 

One thing I will say, is part of the gmtk rules state 

  • You can not require the user to have hardware beyond a keyboard and mouse (so no VR games, webcam games, and no controller-only games). 

So while I appreciate that controller is better, I think most games won't use it as the main input due to this rule.

You do rotate a cube around, but this feels like it doesn't fit the theme. 

Despite my complaints, I did enjoy this one.  Feels less like a game and more like a cool art installation.

Music was good. Would like sounds. Art looked fantastic.

A lot of upfront text, but once I spent the time to read everything, the mechanics were simple to understand. I had to think about how to take down monsters. Overall, good strategy system. 

Wish that my heroes leveled up or scaled. Not much reason to beat a lot of enemies other than a "high score".