Graphics are very nice, and the music fits the game well, but I couldn't really work out what to do.
There were amulets about the place that I couldn't pick up, even after my health depleted.
Pressing E didn't seem to do anything in some parts.
I don't know why I was collecting the coloured stones, I couldn't seem to do anything with them., and I couldn't pick all of them up.
I also managed to escape the level by exiting the first room where Sekhmet came from. Then I just ran around the outside of the map and entered the room at the end and made my way to the afterlife.
I would have preferred a method to fight Sekhmet, even if its just to stun it for a few seconds before it chases you again.
The game really needs sound effects, if nothing else than to give player feedback when being attacked or activating something.