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I see in the comments that your team lost some work. That is a shame and I'm sure that's part of why the game is a bit rough around the edges, but I also think this type of game, with crafting and such, is usually not an appropriate scope for a game jam. Because crafting mechanics are typically peripheral content, rather than the core feature of the game. I would argue that even in Minecraft, crafting itself is not the core mechanic.  Because crafting on its own isn't a super engaging activity. it's just gathering materials and clicking a button. It's usually there to support some other mechanic, like to allow you to get better weapons, or decorate your house, or something like that. For a game jam, I would focus on just one core mechanic, without supporting mechanics like quest systems/crafting/story etc. 

I hope that didn't come off as too critical. That you continued working after losing so much progress, and submitted your game, is awesome! I hope you continue to join many jams in the future, and when you do, I recommend going for something more like arcade style, where you just look for one fun mechanic, and build the game out around that. 

Indeed it's a shame. I had fun at least trying to rebuild the whole thing.  Thank you for the constructive criticism!