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A jam submission

TheSpaceBetweenView game page

You died! Now you are in Limbo. You must collect Limbo essence to return to Earth!
Submitted by Lusitano, Hardiment — 8 minutes, 30 seconds before the deadline

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I liked collecting materials and using them to craft. It was pretty cool. I did experience a bug after I made the portal where I couldn't interact with the craft house or collect materials. Other than that, I did enjoy playing this game and it does have potential. 


omg, i was not expect that. it s a almost a survival game. nice job. cool colors. amazing atmosphere. it was fun to play. congrats for submission


Nice job! Makes me want to make a survival clicker! 


Despite the comments of losing everything this is pretty well rounded game for 10 days and a great base on which to build from! Its simple yet effective, awesome job!


I see in the comments that your team lost some work. That is a shame and I'm sure that's part of why the game is a bit rough around the edges, but I also think this type of game, with crafting and such, is usually not an appropriate scope for a game jam. Because crafting mechanics are typically peripheral content, rather than the core feature of the game. I would argue that even in Minecraft, crafting itself is not the core mechanic.  Because crafting on its own isn't a super engaging activity. it's just gathering materials and clicking a button. It's usually there to support some other mechanic, like to allow you to get better weapons, or decorate your house, or something like that. For a game jam, I would focus on just one core mechanic, without supporting mechanics like quest systems/crafting/story etc. 

I hope that didn't come off as too critical. That you continued working after losing so much progress, and submitted your game, is awesome! I hope you continue to join many jams in the future, and when you do, I recommend going for something more like arcade style, where you just look for one fun mechanic, and build the game out around that. 


Indeed it's a shame. I had fun at least trying to rebuild the whole thing.  Thank you for the constructive criticism!


The art was really nice, it's a shame you had to remake this in 6 hours although I'm glad you managed to submit before the deadline. I think it has potential and you should give yourself a pat on the back for completing it.

Well done :)


Not bad guys, i played it all the way through to going home after the hell area.

Glad you guys got something done.

Lots to improve on but time frame and all.


Nice recovery from losing everything. Great music choice and the crafting is interesting. Good job.


Game looks great, I can recognise some influences, great mechanics and it works well! Great game! Keep it up!


Nice game, sadly that happens but may I suggest using version control for future project like GIT or Sourcetree,  Great work none the less.


it is bad that happened to you but nice art style. Good little game


Top for crafting! And pixel art always makes you dream :)

Excellent result for a 6 hour job!!!


I enjoyed the crafting and music was pretty good. Sounds were a bit too loud. Feels very dreamy. Good work for the short amount of time spent.


The crafting was pretty good, but the materials shown on the left side of the crafting window should be listed with their icon instead of their name, to be able to match them to the required mats in the crafting list on the right. That was a bit confusing.

Also, the audio balance needs improvement. The sound effect for picking up items was way too loud compared to the background music.

Finally, the red color you used in the second map is very harsh on the eyes. Try a less saturated color for a better result.

One last tip: always keep a backup of your project files!


That is true. Because of what happened I didn't have enough time to cover what we lost in terms of mechanics nor to construct the map again. Thank you for the constructive criticism!


I Liked the crafting game looks like a ton of work for 6 hours of programing.


I like the idea of bringing in a crafting game. But it's very unclear of what is what. What are you trying to do? What are the things that are available to craft. I felt so lost.


Cool crafting mechanic!